Distinguished Alumni Award Nomination Form Home Carthage Alumni Alumni Awards Distinguished Alumni Awards Distinguished Alumni Award Nomination Form Distinguished Alumni Awards Distinguished Alumni Award Nomination Form Thank you for nominating a Carthage graduate for this prestigious award! Nominations submitted prior to October 15 will be considered for the upcoming award cycle. The Distinguished Alumni Award is presented to individuals who have achieved and maintained extremely high stations in their chosen profession, or individuals who have made valuable contributions to Carthage, their communities or service organizations. The criteria include offering a service or product of meaningful value; significant professional publication or artistic achievement; advancements in scientific research, discovery, and exploration; alumni working on behalf of Carthage through alumni programs, advisory committees, or other efforts that advance the College. All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required. who_are_you_nominating_for_a_c required text field Nominee Name* Please include first and last name. nominee_class_year text field Nominee Class Year nominee_address text field Nominee Address nominee_citystatezip_code text field Nominee City/State/ZIP Code nominee_phone_number text field Nominee Phone Number nominee_email_address text field Nominee Email Address nominee_major text field Nominee Major what_significant_accomplishmen required textarea field What significant accomplishments or acts of service did this nominee achieve? Please give as many details as possible.* please_share_the_ways_this_gra required textarea field Please share the ways this graduate has given back to Carthage as an alumnus/na.* why_should_this_nominee_be_con required textarea field Why should this nominee be considered for a Distinguished Alumni Award?* what_is_your_name required text field Nominator Name* nominator_class_year_if_applic text field Nominator Class Year (if applicable) nominator_address required text field Nominator Address* nominator_citystatezip_code required text field Nominator City/State/ZIP Code* nominator_phone_number required text field Nominator Phone Number* nominator_email_address required e-mail address field Nominator Email Address* Link (required) {"upload_max_filesize":"50"}