Alumni Association Bylaws
Bylaws of the Carthage Alumni Association
Article I. Name
The Association shall be called the “Carthage College Alumni Association” (the “Association”). Carthage College shall hereinafter referred to as “the College” or “Carthage.”
Article II. Purpose
The Association provides an organization and structure to encourage alumni to stay connected to Carthage, to provide services to alumni, and to promote fellowship and pride of affiliation among Carthage alumni. The Association also provides opportunities for volunteers to work with the College faculty, staff, and students that will strengthen relations between Carthage and its alumni and serve the best interest of the College.
The mission of the Association is to organize activities that meet the needs of alumni, helping them to develop lifelong relationships with the College.
The Association will work to unify all Carthage alumni for service to the College in the following areas:
a) The development of financial support;
b) The extension of public, community and church relations;
c) Recruitment and retention of students;
d) Student career planning and placement;
e) The encouragement of academic distinction;
f) Other ways consistent with the needs of Carthage.
Article III. Membership
The Association defines alumnus/a in the broadest manner possible thereby allowing the College to cultivate all individuals who may now or in the future develop an ongoing association with the College. Active membership shall include:
a) All individuals who have received a degree (bachelor’s or master’s) from the College or attended for one (1) year or more and departed in good standing, excluding currently registered students.
b) Present and Emeritus members of the Board of Trustees, the faculty and staff of Carthage, and all recipients of honorary degrees granted by the College.
c) Appointed current students, e.g., Student Alumni Association members.
Article IV. Management
Management of the Association shall be vested in the Alumni Council, hereinafter referred to as “the Council.”
Article V. The Carthage College Alumni Council
Section 1. Mission
The mission of the Council is to support the key needs of the College and its alumni by mobilizing the talent, expertise, time, and financial resources of all alumni. To do this, the Council will: 1) lead alumni volunteer groups in meeting the needs of the College and its alumni; 2) provide the link between alumni and all constituencies of the College; 3) identify, recruit, and inspire alumni to work in support of the College and each other, and provide recognition for those who do; and 4) foster a spirit of loyalty and fellowship among alumni.
Section 2. Executive Committee
The Executive committee shall consist of the Council President, the Council Vice-President, the Chaplain, and the Chairs of each of the Council Standing Committees. The immediate past Council President and Council Secretary shall be non-voting, ex-officio members of the Executive Committee. The Council President shall serve as chair of the Executive Committee. More than one half of members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for Executive Committee meetings and business. All new officers shall assume duties effective July 1 after appointment.
Section 2.1 President
The President, in accordance with these Bylaws, shall exercise powers and perform the duties assigned to the President by the Council and/or the Executive Committee of the Council (the “Executive Committee”), and shall provide leadership for the Council and overall management of its affairs. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and shall be responsible for:
a) Directing and coordinating the activities and work of the Council and its members on behalf of the Association;
b) Presiding at all meetings of the Council and Executive Committee;
c) Appointing special committees of the Council, if warranted;
d) Performing such other duties as may be consistent with and required by the office.
Section 2.2 Past-President
The Past-President shall advise and assist the President for one year following his/her three-year term as President, beginning on July 1.
Section 2.3 Vice President
The Vice President shall assist the President in overseeing the affairs of the Association. The Vice President shall perform the duties of President in the President’s absence. The Vice President, in the event of the temporary incapacity of the President to fulfill their duties, shall be the interim President for the duration of such temporary incapacity. In the event of the vacancy of the office of the President, the Vice President shall serve as President for the duration of the then-current term of the President.
Section 2.3 Chaplin
The Chaplain shall be responsible for providing a spiritual dimension to the Council. Duties include arranging invocations at Council meetings and Association gatherings.
Section 2.4 Secretary
The Secretary will be a member of the College staff, appointed by the Vice President for Institutional Advancement, and will provide staff assistance to the Council in preparing for all Council activities as requested by the Executive Committee. The Council Secretary shall:
a) Provide general direction and leadership to the Executive Committee by suggesting ideas for improving the operation of the Council and by recommending for consideration alumni and class activities and programs based on the Secretary’s awareness of the College traditions, the needs of the College, the changing attitudes of its alumni, and alumni and class activities and programs being carried on at other small colleges;
b) Act as the historian of the Association and be the custodian of the Association’s records;
c) Assume responsibility for the Alumni Association Scholarship fund in concert with the Council President and the Fundraising and Scholarships Committee;
d) Keep minutes of all meetings of the Council and Executive Committee;
e) Post all proper notices required by these Bylaws;
f) Facilitate all elections by maintaining a list of alumni qualified to serve on the Council, having necessary ballots and notifications prepared;
g) Act as liaison between the Council and the Office of Institutional Advancement staff;
h) Perform all other duties incident to the office of Council Secretary.
Section 2.5 Committee Chairs
Chairs and Vice Chairs of Council Standing Committees (see Section 7) are appointed by the Council President and shall serve as members of the Executive Committee.
Section 2.6 Duties and Responsibilities
The Executive Committee shall:
a) Provide overall leadership to the Council and its committees and in the conduct of all Council business;
b) Make policies and regulations it deems advisable, consistent with these Bylaws;
c) Keep informed of the needs of the College and guide the volunteer work of the Alumni Council to meet those needs, set goals based on those needs, and form ad hoc committees to respond to those needs; and as needs are filled, disband ad hoc committees;
d) Recognize individuals who have supported the College, and plan events to celebrate good work of the Council in general;
e) Develop an agenda for each Council meeting, including times for general sessions and special meetings of the Council, committee meetings, meetings with students and faculty, and social events. The Executive Committee shall determine Council business matters to be included in each meeting;
f) Appoint Committee members where required under these Bylaws;
g) Establish ad hoc committee(s) for a defined purpose and period, and appoint Chair(s), Vice Chair(s) and members to such ad hoc committees;
h) Assure there are numerous volunteer opportunities for alumni who may not be on the Council;
i) Perform other duties it deems necessary consistent with these Bylaws.
Section 3. Membership
The Alumni Council shall consist of (in addition to the aforementioned officers):
a) Ex-Officio Members (Non-Voting)
1. President of the College
2. Vice President for Institutional Advancement
3. Associate Vice President for Institutional Advancement
4. Up to two (2) Carthage staff, appointed by the Vice President for Institutional Advancement
5. Up to three (3) student representatives, appointed by the Vice President for Institutional Advancement
b) Elected Members
1. In addition to the aforementioned officers (president, vice president, and chaplain), the Council shall comprise up to thirty (30) additional members, nominated by Alumni Association and College Staff.
2. In special circumstances, the Alumni Council President may appoint new members to the Council at any time. A majority vote of the full Alumni Council must approve such an appointment.
c) Faculty Members
1. Up to two (2) faculty representatives, appointed by the Vice President for Institutional Advancement
d) Emeriti Members (Non-Voting)
1. Alumni representatives who have served a minimum of twelve (12) years on the Alumni Council or have been identified by the Executive Committee of the Alumni Council shall be eligible for nomination as Emeriti Members. Election to Emeritus Member status shall be by majority vote of the Alumni Council, upon nomination by the Executive Committee. An Emeritus Member shall serve for a term of three (3) years and may be re-elected without limit. While the position is non-voting with regard to actions taken by the Alumni Council, an Emeritus Member may:
a) Be invited to participate in all Alumni Council meetings and functions;
b) Be called upon to assist the Alumni Council in those matters where the individual’s interest, experience, and expertise will best serve the Alumni Council.
The number of such positions is discretionary with the Executive Committee; however, the honor will be reserved for the individuals with a record of distinguished service. Emeritus Members serve in an advisory capacity only.
Section 4. Appointment of President, Vice President, and Chaplain
a) The Nominations and Governance Committee shall present nominations for Council President (the “President”), Vice President, and Chaplain to the Carthage College President from amongst the Council membership. The College President shall make the appointments in consultation with the Nominations and Governance Committee. The appointed officers shall be ratified by the Alumni Council by majority vote.
b) In the event of the temporary incapacity of the President to fulfill their duties, the Vice President shall be the interim President for the duration of such temporary incapacity. In the event of the vacancy of the office of the President, the Vice President shall serve as President for the duration of the then-current term of the President. If the positions of Vice President or Chaplain were affected in a similar manner, the Nominations and Governance Committee would present an alternate candidate for ratification at the subsequent Council meeting.
Section 5. Nomination, Election, and Appointment of Members
Consideration shall be given, in the membership selection process, to select individuals that reflect the diversity of the College and its alumni population, with attention given to race, ethnicity, gender and class year, as well as the College’s wide range of affinity groups and conferred degrees.
a) Nominations for the Alumni Council may be submitted at any time throughout the year by any member of the Association. Nominations must be submitted by February 1 in order to be considered by the Nominations and Governance Committee.
b) Each year, at the May Alumni Council meeting, the Nominations and Governance Committee shall present a slate of candidates for review and approval by the Alumni Council.
c) The Nominations and Governance Committee and Office of Institutional Advancement shall ascertain the eligibility and secure the acceptance of each nominee.
d) Nominees are contacted by the Vice President for Institutional Advancement and invited to accept the nomination and join the Council.
Section 6 Terms
The terms of the Council Officers and Members, which commence on the first of July following such officers’ and members’ election or appointment, shall be as follows:
a) The President shall be elected every three years to serve a three (3) year term, plus one additional year as Past-President.
b) The Vice President shall be elected to serve a three (3) year term, with such term commencing concurrently with the election of the President.
c) Chairs and Vice Chairs of each of the Standing Committees (see Section 7) shall serve two (2) year terms, with each such term commencing on an even-numbered calendar year. In the event of the unavailability or incapacitation of the Chair of any of these Committees, the Vice Chair for the respective Committee shall assume the duties of Chair for the duration of such unavailability or incapacitation.
d) Members of Standing Committees shall serve two (2) year terms.
e) Council Members serve three-year terms beginning July 1. Members may serve no more than 12 consecutive years (i.e., four terms), with cumulative lifetime service not to exceed 20 years. Membership shall be staggered so that no more than approximately one-third of the terms expire in any given year.
f) Faculty Members serve three-year terms beginning July 1.
g) Student and staff representatives shall be appointed annually by the Vice President for Institutional Advancement.
Section 7. Standing Committees
a) Alumni Engagement Strategy and Programs
b) Student Recruitment and Retention
c) Nominations and Governance
d) Fundraising and Scholarships
Section 8. Meetings
a) The Alumni Council shall meet four (4) times each year to conduct Council business at such time and place as shall be selected by the Executive Committee.
b) Special meetings of the Council may be called by the Council President, the President of the College, or a majority of the Executive Committee members.
c) One-half of the Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Council. d) If any member of the Alumni Council is absent from two (2) consecutive regular meetings, without notification to the Alumni Office, they may be recommended for removal by the Council President, subject to a vote by the Council.
Article VI: Amendments to Bylaws
Notice of any changes to these Bylaws will be posted on the Alumni & Family Engagement website. In some circumstances, the Council may request to notify the Association via other College media outlets. In such cases, an opportunity to provide feedback will be provided. The Nominations and Governance Committee shall be responsible to annually review and maintain these Bylaws, in consultation with the full Council. Approval of amendments shall be ratified by majority vote of the Alumni Council.
Updated on 01/18/2023