Center for Faith and Spirituality student staff members
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The Center for Faith and Spirituality (CFS) is hiring student workers for the following positions:

Roman Catholic Community Builder: Supports and carries out work connected to Catholic Mass and our Catholic students.

Community Builder for Service and Outreach: Works with a student team to organize service opportunities on and off campus.

On Purpose Reflection Series Community Builder: Works with the purposeful life and leadership coordinator to plan and facilitate activities that help students explore vocation and big life questions. Coordinates a reflection series and small groups each term.  

Faith and Justice Community Builder: Works with a team member to plan and carry out events and small groups that help students explore and discuss themes of justice and our responsibility as people who are called to work for justice.

All positions are a part of a larger student staff in the CFS. Students will work 3-4 hours a week on average and assist with other CFS events, as well as attend staff and supervisor meetings.

Learn more and apply

A more concise job description for all positions can be found on Handshake. Interested applicants can apply on Handshake or by contacting Debbie Clark ( in the CFS with questions.

Sponsoring Department, Office, or Organization:

Center for Faith and Spirituality

For more information, contact:

Debbie Clark: