Ease the Transition

All new students at Carthage are enrolled in College Success Seminar, a college transitions course that will lay the foundation for your academic success on campus. Throughout the course, you will be introduced to a variety of helpful campus resources, explore time management and study strategies to rise to the challenge of collegiate academic rigor, and make connections with peers that will help you make the most of your college experience.

One class per week for ten weeks

The College Success Seminar curriculum for first-time freshmen consists of one class per week for your first ten weeks. (See your schedule for details.) A Student Success Advisor or campus partner will be the instructor. Each course section also has a sophomore-, junior-, or senior-level student who serves as a peer coach. Peer coaches are embedded as a resource for new students, assisting and supporting them in their academic and social transition to Carthage, leading activities and discussions in class, and planning group outings for students to engage in the wide range of events across campus.

Course Description

College Success Seminar (CSS) is a 1-credit course designed to help new students adjust to and succeed at Carthage. Through in-class activities, small group discussions, course assignments, and personal reflection, students will explore and discuss various topics related to student success at Carthage. Students will also have opportunities to build connections with campus resources and develop new skills that will assist them in reaching their academic and personal goals.

Learning Outcomes
  • Develop learning strategies to enhance academic performance
  • Utilize technological tools effectively on campus (i.e. Schoology, Google Suite, Workday)
  • Increase awareness of support services available on campus (i.e. Center for Student Success, Writing Center, Tutoring Services, Aspire Center)
  • Integrate socially and academically as a part of the Carthage community
  • Grow decision-making and life skills through the practice of reflection

As you begin your first year at Carthage, you are going to have questions. While there are many resources on campus to support you, sometimes you just want advice from someone who has been there. That’s where a peer coach can help.

Every section of College Success Seminar for first-time freshmen has a peer coach assigned to their class. Peer coaches are sophomores, juniors, or seniors who can help you:

  • Understand day-to-day academic procedures and college life scenarios
  • Get involved in campus activities and student organizations
  • Make the most of a wide variety of campus resources and services
  • Connect with Carthage faculty, staff, and other students
  • Explore big questions about how to shape your college journey while sharing lessons from their own experiences

Apply to be a Peer Coach