Students studying graphic design at Carthage have many opportunities to enrich their education and experience the world of design.

On-campus design experiences

There are a variety of jobs for graphic design students to hone their skills right on campus! Current and past design students have worked with:

Off-campus internship experiences

Carthage has connections to a variety of local internships with companies such as Jockey International, Kenosha Kingfish, Kohl’s, Kenosha Visitor’s Center, and Equity Creative, to name a few. Students are encouraged by their faculty advisors to take part in internship opportunities and utilize The Aspire Center to find the right internship.

Art students gather for senior thesis exhibitions. Exhibition opportunities

There are many opportunities for students to display their work in shows across the campus. Design students can enter their work in a variety of on campus shows, such as the Juried Studio Art Show, Draft Graphic Design Group semester shows, the Photography Film and New Media semester show, and the Celebration of Scholars Poster Exhibition. The pinnacle exhibition for all design students is the Senior Show where senior students showcase their portfolio thesis work.


Faculty arrange tours of design studios in the Chicago-Milwaukee corridor multiple times each year. Previous visits have included travel to Firebelly Design, Pivot Design, and Lake County Press.

Graphic design alumni connections

The network of Carthage alumni designers is vast, with many alumni coming back to campus to provide support to our current students. Design alumni came back to classes to present ideas, provide feedback and project mentorship, and work with students to practice interview skills.

A student photographing nature in Costa Rica. J-Term

January Term, or J-Term, is a month-long period of study in January in which all academic departments offer innovative courses on campus and study tours in other countries. Professor Laura Huaracha regularly leads J-Term study tours to photograph nature in locations like Arizona and Costa Rica.

Student Organizations

Carthage graphic design students can get involved in several student organizations dedicated to putting what’s learned in the classroom into practice. Many graphic design students get involved in Centrique, The Current, and DRAFT.