Carthage has more than 130 student clubs and organizations through which students can get involved, explore possible careers, meet other students, work closely with faculty advisors, and perform customer service. See a full list of Carthage student organizations on The Harbor, our website for student organizations.

Theta Alpha Kappa

Theta Alpha Kappa is Carthage’s honors fraternity for religion students. It was established in 1976 by Prof. Albert Clark at Manhattan College in Riverdale, New York, for the purpose of honoring outstanding students in the fields of religious studies and theology. The society now hosts more than 250 active local chapters across the United States at public and private institutions both large and small. Students are elected to permanent membership in a local chapter of Theta Alpha Kappa on the basis of scholarly excellence. To be eligible for nomination, students must be in the top 35% of their class, have a 3.5 GPA in religious studies or theology courses, and have an overall GPA of 3.0. Residency and unit requirements must also be met. Theta Alpha Kappa is a not-for-profit educational corporation in the state of New York and a related scholarly organization of the American Academy of Religion.

Catholics at Carthage

Catholics at Carthage is a welcoming community for Roman Catholic students on campus. Students gather to receive the Sacraments, worship, pursue catechetical formation, assist in service projects for the College and the wider community, and interact socially with other campus Catholics. Local priests share the sacramental duties and travel to Carthage each Sunday to say Mass, offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and perform any other necessary sacramental ministries. Student leaders serve as musicians, lectors, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

IVCF is an evangelical, student-led Christian movement that ministers to students at more than 700 colleges and universities in the United States. It is non-denominational; everyone is welcome to participate. The emphasis on fellowship in IVCF brings about a non-threatening atmosphere of support and understanding in which members can grow in their faith and knowledge of Scripture. The Carthage chapter meets for large group fellowship weekly. Anyone is welcome to attend.

To see more Carthage student organizations, visit The Harbor