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Join Model United Nations in our annual Fight Against Apathy Week, when we raise awareness across the Carthage community of an important international issue.

This year, we are focusing our attention on the targeted discrimination and genocide of Uyghurs by the Chinese Communist Party. Join us for the events listed below.

Monday, April 24

Documentary Screening: ?Fleeing Xinjiang? Paint the Kissing Rock
5 p.m., Meet in the Niemann Media Theatre
Join as as we paint the Kissing Rock with a call to action.

Tuesday, April 25

Documentary Screening: “Fleeing Xinjiang”
5-6 p.m., Campbell Student Union Auditorium
“Fleeing Xinjiang” calls attention to the plight of Uyghurs and Kazakh Muslims in China’s Xinjiang Province and reveals shocking accounts of systematic abuse and oppression. Snacks will be provided, but feel free to bring extra!

?Finding Uyghuristan? Guest Speaker Poster Thursday, April 27

Finding Uyghuristan Guest Speaker
5 p.m., Campbell Student Union Auditorium
Hear from the founder of Finding Uyghuristan, an organization that provides resources on Uyghur culture and language and facilitates discussion on current events affecting Uyghurs in China. This will be followed by a Q&A session with the speaker on ways students and citizens can raise awareness of this issue.

Sponsoring Department, Office, or Organization:

Model United Nations

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