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This summer, whether you are working, interning, volunteering, traveling or doing something else, take the time to add your experiences to your My Aspire Plan (MAP). 

This summer you can complete the ‘Summer 2024 Growth Achievement’ in your Summer Growth 2024 MAP, which requires you to document weekly experiences and helps you to summarize your growth throughout the summer. No matter what experiences you are partaking in this summer, you can make the most out of them by reflecting on your MAP.

Your My Aspire Plan (MAP) is a 4-year career development pathway designed to help you document the development of competencies. Completion of your My Aspire Plan (MAP) can get you special recognition at graduation, and the completion of the ‘Summer 2024 Growth’ achievement can be one of the elective badges in your plan.  For more information on your My Aspire Plan (MAP), contact your career specialist!

Sponsoring Department, Office, or Organization:

The Aspire Center

For more information, contact:

Mandy Long at or your career specialist