Abraham Lincoln statue on Carthage College?s campus.
Kathryn Boero, Master of Education graduate

Kathryn (Lamberton) Boero

Class Year

’77, M.Ed. ’13

Current home

Racine, Wis.


Elementary education, Master’s of Education program

Current Position

Primary School Head, The Prairie School, Racine, Wis.

Kathryn Boero can’t get enough of Carthage. After completing her bachelor’s degree in elementary education in 1977, she returned to receive her learning disabilities certification in 1978. Decades later, she returned to complete Carthage’s Master of Education program, and earned her M.Ed. in education administration in 2013.

“Carthage is helpful, flexible, and truly develops my skills that directly make me more successful in my current position as Primary School Head,” Mrs. Boero said. “I loved and continue to love the small personal learning community environment at Carthage. I feel each time I take a class at Carthage, creativity and individuality are nurtured in combination with a strong dedication to learning best practices for educating children, which I draw on daily.”

Mrs. Boero has been Primary School Head at the Prairie School in Racine since 1998, but her teaching experience is vast. She has taught in parochial, public, and private schools. She has taught third through fifth grades and a learning-disabled class for kindergarten through sixth grade.

“The guidance, knowledge, and skills that I gained and continue to gain at Carthage made it possible for me to demonstrate effective teaching in a variety of school settings,” Mrs. Boero said. “I feel that my coursework built my confidence in working with students and now, as an instructional leader for teachers.

“When I see a need in my position, I have found that I can call on Carthage for creative ideas and solutions,” she continued.

As Primary School Head, Mrs. Boero directs pre-kindergarten through fourth grade and works closely with the Middle and Upper School Heads. Recently, her responsibilities have grown to include being a mentor to Prairie’s Compass Team, a group of specialists who work with teachers to optimize their classrooms for all learning styles.

“I enjoy and am inspired by collaborating with master teachers who are creative and passionate about differentiating educational practices to reach every learner,” Mrs. Boero said.

She enjoys the challenge of making school an exciting environment for her students. Every day, she walks into her office with the intention of using her passion for teaching to help students find their potential, she said. She loves watching students have “ah-ha moments.”

In 2006, Mrs. Boero was accepted into Leadership Racine’s yearlong leadership program. She worked with a group of leaders from the Racine community to design and implement a tutoring room for the Homeless Assistance Leadership Organization in Racine.

“We named this room ‘Room to Grow,’ and children and tutors use this room year-round to read, write, and work on technology skills,” she said. “I am very grateful and proud of this life-changing experience.”

Teamwork has always been an important part of Mrs. Boero’s life. Her favorite memories from Carthage involve collaborating with her classmates and her professors. For the past five years, she has been working with Marilyn Ward, professor of education at Carthage, to bring an enrichment experience in poetry to Prairie School students in third and fourth grade.

“My advice is to work hard, reach out when help is needed, and surround yourself with positive people who look at what is going well,” concluded Mrs. Boero. “Focus on the students and don’t hesitate to seek help and collaborate with people who are skilled and more experienced than you are. Find joy every day in something at work, and focus on that.”

Are you a Carthage alum who is excelling in your field?


“I loved and continue to love the small personal learning community environment at Carthage.”

Kathryn (Lamberton) Boero, ’77, M.Ed. ’13