Elodie Senetra

Elodie Senetra

Class Year


Current home

Pleasant Prairie, Wis.


Theatre Performance

Current Position


Elodie Senetra ’13 was a theatre performance major while at Carthage, earning theatre and academic scholarships during her undergraduate years. She has taken her degree into the professional field, working as an actress in Milwaukee and its surrounding area.

Her professional credits include “Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike” at the Milwaukee Chamber Theatre.

“I will always appreciate and look back on my time at Carthage with delightful memories. My incredible professors prepared me for the ‘real world’ by always encouraging me to challenge myself, take risks, and network, network, network.”

Elodie Senetra, ’13

What have you enjoyed most about your career?

“I love traveling to different cities for work, and getting to know communities through art. Chicago and Milwaukee in particular are such supportive and generous theatre communities, and learning from all the artists I’ve worked with has been invaluable.”

How did Carthage prepare you?

“Uniquely located in between two major cities, Carthage provided wonderful networking opportunities that I wouldn’t have found elsewhere. I was able to meet working theatre professionals early on and have maintained those connections since.”

How has your liberal arts education benefitted you?

“The liberal arts education I received at Carthage highly contributed to my communication skills — specifically, feeling confident at any job interview. I feel I can talk and relate to anyone, as well as immerse myself in a new situation without fear.”

What's your favorite Carthage memory?

“The Guatemala J-Term was absolutely the best traveling experience of my life. The course immersed me in culture in a way I’ve never experienced before. Any class with Prof. Lochtefeld was a favorite. He taught us lessons in forgiveness, as well as life advice every time he spoke. Carthage truly cultivated relationships that will stay with me the rest of my life.”

Tips for current Carthage students?

“Play, explore, create, and learn hard. I’ve found people and places to hold the most value in my life. Remember not to take them for granted.”

Are you a Carthage alum who is excelling in your field?