Chris Geocaris ?00

Chris Geocaris

Class Year


Current home

Kenosha, Wis.



Current Position

Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Services, Warren Township High School in Gurnee, Ill. 

Chris Geocaris graduated from Carthage in 2000 with a degree in mathematics. He is now the assistant superintendent for instructional services at Warren Township High School in Gurnee, Ill. In this role, Mr. Geocaris is responsible for curriculum and instruction for school district 121. He works with other “administrators and teachers to ensure curriculum and instructional practices are aligned with state learning standards and current best practices in education.” 

Mr. Geocaris also leads the Educational Technology Department for his school district, ensuring the network infrastructure supports the high demands on teachers and students and plans for the future technology needs of the district. 

Mr. Geocaris lives in Kenosha, Wis. with his wife Dominque, whom he met during his junior year at Carthage.

“Carthage is an amazing school that has so much to offer. But you will only get out what you put in. Take chances, try new things, and get involved!”

Chris Geocaris, ’00

What have you enjoyed most about your career?

“I enjoy knowing that I am helping to make a difference in students’ lives every day. While I no longer teach in a classroom every day, my job is now to ensure that our teachers in the classroom have everything they need to teach our students. I also enjoy the collaborative nature of my job. I am always working with others to find creative solutions to the challenges that our school district faces, and celebrating our successes alongside those same people.”

How did Carthage prepare you?

“Carthage was an amazing experience for me! I was able to pursue my passions for mathematics, teaching, music, and photography while at Carthage. I have utilized what I have learned in these areas regularly in the different positions I have held in my career. My Carthage education also helped me to develop strong critical thinking, problem-solving, and leadership skills through the different academic and extracurricular programs I participated in.”

How has your liberal arts education benefitted you?

“I would not be successful in my role without the ability to communicate effectively with others, understand multiple perspectives to complex problems, and understand the value that diversity of background and experiences brings to a team.”

What's your favorite Carthage memory?

“There are so many memories from my time at Carthage that involve playing on the football team, performing at chapel services, and the experiences I had in my fraternity, Delta Omega Nu. But the most important memory I have is meeting my wife, Dominique (’99), during my junior year.”

Tips for current Carthage students?

“Carthage is an amazing school that has so much to offer. But you will only get out what you put in. Take chances, try new things, and get involved!”

Are you a Carthage alum who is excelling in your field?