Dominique Pritchett

Dominique Pritchett

Class Year


Current home

Kenosha, WI


Social Work

Current Position

Licensed Psychotherapist

“Dominique, get out of your own way and be great. You have a story the world needs to hear and the power to help many.”

Dominique Pritchett ’07 can still hear the words of the late Ruth Fangmeier, the professor who Dominique says was instrumental in her personal and professional development during her time at Carthage. She says, “Prof. Fangmeier’s frequent doses of inspiration were always right on time!”

She says the guidance and mentoring she received at Carthage, coupled with the College’s mission of being of service to others, led her to her career in social work. Today she is a Licensed Psychotherapist at Oakwood Clinical Associates & Kenosha Visiting Nurses Correctional Care.

“Embrace the understanding that your condition does not have to become your conclusion and you are enough. It’s imperative that you give life your greatest effort because you cannot go back in time and recapture these moments.”

Dominique Pritchett, ’07

What have you enjoyed most about your career?

“I have nearly 12 years of clinical experiences across a broad range of mental health settings. Daily, I have the opportunity to collaboratively provide clinical services to diverse populations and organizations. As a psychotherapist, I have enjoyed guiding others in maximizing their resilience, taking time to renew, and redefining barriers that create challenges in life. Overall, I am grateful that many people allow me the opportunity to honor their testimonies without judgment.”

How did Carthage prepare you?

“At Carthage, I made it a priority to become actively involved in several activities and organizations that would foster my spiritual, mental, physical, financial and academic development. I was an athlete, resident assistant and participated in extracurricular activities which allowed me to be surrounded by people who wanted to see me win! Each opportunity strengthened my personal and professional development by empowering me to be unapologetically resilient when faced with obstacles. I learned to not just survive but thrive!”

How has your liberal arts education benefitted you?

“The ability to think critically, but not judgmentally, was purposefully instilled during my studies. As social work majors, we were tasked with reflecting on morals, values, and intrinsic worth to be a helper in this profession. I had no clue that I would learn as much as I did about myself which allowed me to fully start loving myself. The more aware I became about myself and those around me, I was able to look at societal problems differently, with positive regard and I was challenged to communicate effectively to be heard and remembered while creating change.”

What's your favorite Carthage memory?

“Wow! I have so many impactful and favorite memories from Carthage. My ultimate favorite was being given the opportunity to travel out of the country for the first time. I could barely contain my emotions. This ignited a traveling curiosity to cultivate experiences that I dreamed of as a child and read in books. Being a member of Gospel Messengers allowed me to travel and share the gospel. While living on campus, I was able to fully captivate a sense of safety, an abundance of opportunities, and meet life-long friends.”

Tips for current Carthage students?

“Embrace the understanding that your condition does not have to become your conclusion and you are enough. It’s imperative that you give life your greatest effort because you cannot go back in time and recapture these moments. I would encourage students to ask questions then ask more questions. Utilize the resources in your circles, campus and surrounding communities to network and develop into your best self. Be intentional with owning your story.”

Are you a Carthage alum who is excelling in your field?