Abraham Lincoln statue on Carthage College?s campus.
Josh Lamers ?10

Josh Lamers

Class Year


Current home

Chicago, IL


International Political Economy

Current Position

Sell-side analyst at William Blair & Company

Josh Lamers ’10 is a sell-side analyst at William Blair & Company. His position allows him to sit at the hub of numerous capital market participants, including buy-side investment managers, hedge funds, investment bankers, syndicate teams, private equity, venture capital, and more.

Mr. Lamers was an active participant in the Mock Trial Team, the Investment Club, the Phi Alpha Delta (pre-law fraternity), and other Greek organizations at Carthage. He believes his club involvement gave him the skills needed to present research reports and financial models to clients. 

“Being involved in Carthage organizations such as the Mock Trial Team was instrumental in helping me build my public speaking ability, critical thinking, and teamwork skills.”

Josh Lamers, ’10

What have you enjoyed most about your career?

“My job challenges me on many levels. It requires a high degree of comfort with financial modeling, effective writing, speaking, and presenting. I also enjoy fruitful conversations with active investors and receive levels of gratitude from the public companies we work with.”

How did Carthage prepare you?

“Being involved in Carthage organizations such as the Mock Trial Team was instrumental in helping me build my public speaking ability, critical thinking, and teamwork skills.”

What's your favorite Carthage memory?

“Some of my favorite memories included going on group trips (either J-Term or class-related). The trips required me to take on more responsibility, be mindful of my surroundings, navigate unfamiliar places, communicate in creative ways, broaden my network, and much more.”

Tips for current Carthage students?

“Become as active as possible on campus. Take advantage of The Aspire Program, and be prepared to take on summer internships that are low or no pay but will provide great experience and résumé support.”

Are you a Carthage alum who is excelling in your field?