Trevor Lipsett ?10

Trevor Lipsett

Class Year


Current home

Chicago, Illinois



Current Position

Director of Client Experience and Reporting at Hightower Advisors

Trevor Lipsett ’10, a Presidential Scholarship recipient, never forgot his Carthage J-Term study tour to Taiwan and Hong Kong. Studying abroad gave him the opportunity to use the skills he acquired in both his major, IPE, and his minor, Chinese. He loved the experience so much that he even moved to Taiwan.

“It was an incredible experience, and, as a result, I made the decision to live and work in Taiwan for almost three years after graduation.”

Now, Mr. Lipsett is back in the United States, working at Hightower Advisors in Chicago. He spends his time overseeing daily operations, adoption, and strategy for various client reporting solutions for his company’s financial advisor practices.

“Carthage gives you a unique ability to get involved and contribute both academically and socially in a non-intimidating way.”

Trevor Lipsett, ’10

What have you enjoyed most about your career?

“I love being at the intersection of financial services and technology. Both of these industries change so rapidly that it forces all of us to continue to adapt and never stop learning.”

How did Carthage prepare you?

“Carthage gives you a unique ability to get involved and contribute both academically and socially in a non-intimidating way. Everybody has the opportunity to get to know their classmates and professors on a personal-level. That mindset of community and collaboration is so important in a professional setting.”

What opportunities were made possible because of your Carthage experience?

“I was lucky enough to participate in a J-Term trip to Taiwan and Hong Kong led by Professor Stephen Udry and Professor Johnathan Marshall. It was an incredible experience, and, as a result, I made the decision to live and work in Taiwan for almost three years after graduation.”

Tips for current Carthage students?

“Attitude is everything. Life, school, and work will always present challenges, but your ability to adapt and be open-minded will lead you to success in most situations. Get involved with organizations at Carthage, so you can build connections and broaden your own viewpoint.”

Are you a Carthage alum who is excelling in your field?