Abraham Lincoln statue on Carthage College?s campus.
Maham Ali ?19

Maham Ali

Class Year


Current home

Chicago, Illinois


International Political Economy

Current Position

Community Schools Manager at United Way of Racine County

While at Carthage, Maham Ali ’19 was a recipient of multiple awards including: 

  • Spring Transfer Full Tuition Recipient
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Student Advocate of the Year
  • Mock Trial Outstanding Plaintiff Attorney Regional Competition
  • Game Changer Award by the City of Chicago
  • Design and Innovation Fellowship

She believes that Carthage provided her with opportunities to connect with the community and that Carthage professors gave her the tools to follow her passions.

“My relationships with my professors was integral to shaping my interests today. They provided me the resources and space to pursue my interests fully. If I had a question, they would always be available! If they didn’t have an answer, they would find someone who did.”

Ms. Ali now works as a community schools manager at United Way of Racine County, where she plans, implements, manages, and evaluates community schools in Racine County, Wis.

“My relationships with my professors was integral in shaping my interests today. They provided me the resources and space to pursue my interests fully.”

Maham Ali, ’19

How did Carthage prepare you?

“Carthage instilled in me a sense of curiosity. Through the International Political Economy (IPE) program, I had the opportunity to make connections across disciplines. This greatly assisted in my ability to become an integrative thinker, someone who is willing to dive into complexity to find the answers. Carthage has always supported my joy of learning by providing me numerous opportunities to pursue my interests and connect me with individuals in the community so that I would be able to make the impact I wanted to.”

How has your liberal arts education benefitted you?

“In our IPE courses, we frequently had to think about the implications of the theories. How did they apply in our current context? What examples could we use to explain the concept? What implications did the theory of concept have for past and present issues? The ability to work through these questions instilled in me a sense of curiosity and integrative thinking, characteristics that are called on in my current position.”

Tips for current Carthage students?

“Hard work beats talent. You are the best advocate for yourself. If you’re interested in something, ask about it! If you have a question, look for an answer! If you’re curious about something, explore it!”

Are you a Carthage graduate who is excelling in your field?