Abraham Lincoln statue on Carthage College?s campus.
Laura de Rosales ?20

Laura de Rosales

Class Year


Current home

Andover, Massachusetts


Exercise and Sport Science with Physical Education Concentration

Current Position

Graduate Fellow for Women’s Volleyball and Graduate Student in Master’s of Exercise Science Program at Merrimack College

After graduating from Carthage with a degree in exercise and sport science, Laura de Rosales ’20 was accepted to graduate school at Merrimack College. There, she continues to study exercise science and works as a graduate fellow for the women’s volleyball team. She helps plan and run practices, assists with recruiting future athletes, and scouts opponents.

Ms. de Rosales believes that Carthage gave her the skills to excel by opening her mind to different ways of teaching and communicating.

“I’ve been able to coach athletes and learn so much about them, myself, the game of volleyball, and student-athlete development.”

Laura de Rosales, ’20

What have you enjoyed most about your career?

“Being a graduate fellow has been a lot of fun. The best part is how hands on and involved I am in this program. I’ve been able to coach athletes and learn so much about them, myself, the game of volleyball, and student-athlete development. This experience has allowed me to meet a lot of great people and build a network in a new place in the country.”

How did Carthage prepare you?

“My classes challenged me to think and look at things from a different angle. Being in the PE track, I was able to learn about myself, how I learn best, and how I can best teach others. It really helped me find my voice and pushed me to connect with people. I think learning how to interact, teach, and understand individuals during my time at Carthage has really allowed me to be successful as a coach for our volleyball team at Merrimack.”

How has your liberal arts education benefitted you?

“My classes pushed me to learn how to interact and look at things differently. In the EXSS major, a lot of our classes involved teaching, participating in sports/games, creating our own lesson plans, and really just interacting with our classmates. Having those opportunities helped me understand that everyone learns differently, and so as a teacher (or a coach), you have to be able to find different ways to help make others successful. My education classes also helped me understand how to talk to people and create a connection.”

Why did you choose Carthage?

“I chose Carthage because it was close to home, but not too close. I chose it for the beautiful view and because I was given the opportunity to continue to play the sport I love.”

What opportunities were made possible because of your Carthage experience?

“The opportunity to continue my education was made possible because of the people I met at Carthage, most especially my professors. They were very understanding of my unclear path once graduation was rolling around and really pushed me to pursue what I needed. They understood me well enough as a person and as a student that they could see I was not quite ready for a career in teaching. They were very supportive of me looking for graduate programs to continuing exploring my possibilities.”

What Carthage professors played a part in your success and how?

Rebekah Johnson, Cynthia Allen, and Tony Pustina are professors who always stick out in my mind. I worked closely with them as I was the EXSS Department assistant for about two years. I loved being such an asset to the department and being able to help them become what they are today.”

What role have the values in Carthage's mission, "Seeking Truth, Building Strength, Inspiring Service — Together" played in your life?

“To seek truth to me means to always think of the “why.” Every day I wake up and need to remember why I am here and why I continue to pursue a career and a life that I want to. Building strength means to continue through the days, regardless if they are good or bad. My life has not been easy these past couple of years, as it has been for many people, but one of the most important things is to wake up, remember your why, and build up strength. Your future self will thank you.

“In terms of inspiring service, I have always followed the idea that I exist to help others and hopefully make their jobs easier. I really enjoy helping others and being someone others can lean on. Although “together” is not an actual value, I have learned that without one another, moving forward in life can be quite hard. I have learned that asking for helping, talking to others, leaning on others, and doing the same for others is so fulfilling. I would not be who I am today without such incredible people in my life, near or far away. Together, we are all moving forward to live the lives we want to later on.”

What's your favorite Carthage memory?

“Some of my very best memories were with my volleyball team and the best friends I made at Carthage. The one memory that will always exist in my head is the fall 2019 CCIW Conference Tournament final against Millikin. Nothing will ever be more electric than playing in a full Tarble Arena where everyone is cheering for you and your teammates. Of course our journey throughout the rest of the NCAA Tournament was incredible, but we loved playing on campus.”

Tips for current Carthage students?

“Don’t close yourself off from any path in life. When I was at Carthage, I never really knew what I wanted to do with the rest of my life and that really stressed me out. It turns out that I didn’t need to have it all figured out back then, and it’s really okay to still be figuring it out. Since I graduated, I have met so many incredible people who work in careers that I never even knew existed. Plans can always change, so being open to the possibilities is very important.”

Are you a Carthage graduate who is excelling in your field?