Jinny Lourigan

Jinny Lourigan

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor of Modern Languages (Chinese)
    Email Address:
    Office location:
    Lentz Hall 242

    Professor Jinny Lourigan has many years of rich experience teaching Chinese as a foreign language to American students in K-16 settings, including private college, public university, technical college, and secondary schools. From 2007 to 2015, as an adjunct faculty, Prof. Lourigan taught different level Chinese courses at Carthage College while she worked on achieving her higher-level educational goals.

    Prof. Lourigan earned her Master of Education in Teacher Leadership from Carthage College in 2011 and achieved her Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction concentrating on Adult Education from Aurora University in 2015. Since 2015, Prof. Lourigan has taught all levels of Chinese courses, including International Baccalaureate Language B Chinese courses at Oconomowoc High School for seven years.

    Prof. Lourigan has returned to Carthage to teach Chinese courses in the fall 2022. Her research interests concentrate on using experiential learning processes in the teaching and learning of Chinese as a foreign language and integrating authentic literature such as Children’s literature and cultural materials into teaching Chinese as a foreign language curriculum and instruction. Her doctoral dissertation is titled “Experiential Learning and Foreign Language Teaching: Native Chinese Teachers’ Experiences of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language to American College Students and Learning Abroad at a Midwest Private Liberal Arts College.”

    • Ed.D. — Curriculum and Instruction, Aurora University
    • M.Ed. — Teacher Leadership, Carthage College
    • B.S. — Geology, China University of Geosciences
    • CHN 2011, 2021 Elementary Oral Chinese
    • CHN 3010, 3020 Intermediate Chinese
    • CHN 3011, 3021 Intermediate Oral Chinese
    • CHN 4070 Advanced Chinese
    • Experiential Learning in Foreign Language Teaching
    • Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Methodology
    • Integrating Children’s literature into teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Curriculum
    • Integrating Authentic Cultural Materials into teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Classroom