Abraham Lincoln statue on Carthage College?s campus.
Austin Winter ?18, M.M. ?21

Austin Winter

Class Year

’18, M.M. ’21

Current home

Chicago, Illinois


Music Theatre (B.A.); M.M. in Music Theatre Vocal Pedagogy

Current Position

Freelance Artist

Austin Winter ’18, M.M. ’21 graduated from Carthage with a Bachelor of Arts in Music Theatre and a Master of Music in Music Theatre Vocal Pedagogy. Continuing their passion for theatre performance and production, Mx. Winter now works as an actor, costume designer, voice instructor, and choreographer in various theaters throughout the Chicago/Milwaukee area — including Steppenwolf Theater, Milwaukee Repertory Theater, Shattered Globe Theatre, Milwaukee Chamber Theatre, First Stage, and private vocal studios.

“The culture of Carthage is very eclectic. The environment encourages students to think beyond themselves as ‘one thing.’”

Austin Winter, ’18, M.M. ’21

What have you enjoyed most about your career?

“Because I work in multiple avenues, I have the chance to find different opportunities to collaborate. Creating with others is my favorite thing to do. And with the consistently changing nature of the industry, there’s always a chance to try something new and exciting.”

How did Carthage prepare you?

“I learned a lot from courses I took at Carthage. Music Theatre Workshop gave me the opportunity to search for creative solutions and make strong decisions quickly. Theatre Analysis gave me the opportunity to explore other people’s artistry as well as my own.”

Why did you choose Carthage?

“I previously visited Carthage to see a show directed by a theatre mentor of mine, and I loved the way the actors connected with each other on stage. After speaking with the heads of the arts and humanities departments, I realized that Carthage would give me many opportunities to create and connect, so I knew it was right for me.”

What opportunities were made possible because of your Carthage experience?

“The alumni network has been absolutely fantastic! The mentorships and friendships I have with Carthage alumni Maggie Spanuello ’07 and Tommy Novak ’11, M.M. ’20 (Carthage adjunct faculty member) have led me to work with theaters like the Milwaukee Repertory and Steppenwolf. They showed me how many choices I have within my artistry and how to commit to those choices fiercely.”

What Carthage professors played a part in your success and how?

“Professors Dimitri Shapovalov and Corinne Ness have always been strong sources of support and critical thinking. They encouraged me to think big and to follow that thinking with steps of action.”

What role have the values in Carthage's mission, "Seeking Truth, Building Strength, Inspiring Service — Together" played in your life?

“I’ve learned that community is central. Having a good job and doing good work is great, but if you’re not connecting with others in meaningful ways, it can be really empty. And in order to show up for others, you have to show up for yourself.”

What's your favorite Carthage memory?

“My favorite memories include hanging out with friends in Kenosha — going to Applebees or IHOP, celebrating a birthday at Ron’s Place, or getting a coffee at The Buzz. The community is small, but these moments made my experience special.”

Tips for current Carthage students?

“Allow yourself to think broadly and find collaborators you are excited to work with!”

Are you a Carthage alum who is excelling in your field?