Jeffrey Weiss '99

Jeffrey Weiss

Class Year


Current home

Racine, Wisconsin


Master of Education in Reading

Current Position

Superintendent of the Kenosha Unified School District

As the superintendent of the Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD), Jeffrey Weiss ’99 is responsible for all aspects of student learning, as well as the proper functioning of the school district. KUSD is the third largest school district in Wisconsin, with over 19,000 students and 3,700 employees.

Mr. Weiss credits Carthage’s Master of Education program for helping him become a well-rounded educator.

“Receiving my master’s degree helped me gain a deep understanding of the science behind teaching. My degree helped me not only be a better teacher, but it prepared me to become a better administrator as well.”

Jeffrey Weiss, ’99

What have you enjoyed most about your career?

“The most satisfying and rewarding part of my role as superintendent is seeing improvement efforts that were discussed at school board meetings in practice in our schools.”

How did Carthage prepare you?

“Receiving my master’s degree helped me gain a deep understanding of the science behind teaching. My degree helped me not only be a better teacher, but it prepared me to become a better administrator as well.”

How has your liberal arts education benefitted you?

“Leadership requires liberal arts skills such as critical thinking, the ability to view issues from others’ points of view, and effective communication. This takes the form of analyzing current practices and looking for ways to improve the current system.”

Why did you choose Carthage?

“Carthage has a great reputation for preparing students in the field of education. When I was looking for a graduate program, my colleagues at the time recommended Carthage for its reading program.”

What opportunities were made possible because of your Carthage experience?

“My master’s degree really launched my career in education. Soon after getting my degree, I became a reading specialist and served in a position similar to an instructional coach. This experience led me to a career in administration. The strong instructional background I received in reading prepared me for many other opportunities as an administrator.”

What Carthage professors played a part in your success and how?

“Professor Judith Schaumberg was one of the most influential teachers I had. Her leadership and knowledge in reading instruction was second to none.”

What role have the values in Carthage's mission, "Seeking Truth, Building Strength, Inspiring Service — Together" played in your life?

“My educational career embodies Carthage’s mission. I aspire to be a transformational leader. Transformational leadership is built on the foundation of seeking truth, building strength in one’s self and others, and inspiring a vision of service in others.”

What's your favorite Carthage memory?

“The pride I felt receiving my master’s degree is very special to me. I vividly remember the graduation ceremony even though it was over 20 years ago.”

Tips for current Carthage students?

“Investing in your education is an investment in yourself that will always pay off. Jobs and fortune can come and go. Your education is something that will always be yours.”

Are you a Carthage graduate who is excelling in your field?