Kristeria Wolf ?24

Kristeria Wolf

Class Year



Harvard, Ill.



Kristeria Wolf ’24 has participated in choir ever since she has been going to school. At Carthage, she is excited to continue singing while pursuing a degree in Japanese. She is a member of the Treble Choir and has performed in the annual Christmas Festival. Kristeria also received the Japanese Language Scholarship.

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“The beautiful campus and small class sizes are what brought me here first. But what really got me were the teachers I met on my tours here.”

Kristeria Wolf, ’24

Why Carthage?

“When I first came to Carthage, my plan was to double major in Japanese and neuroscience, Carthage being one of the few schools that had both as majors.”

Faculty mentors

“The professors are willing to help you. When I was a double major, Professor Christine Blaine was an amazing help in my chemistry classes. She’s excited to teach her classes. Right now, Wang Sensei has been a big help to me. I’ll be the first to admit I’m not the best student and struggle a lot with keeping up, but Wang Sensei cares about that and is willing to help. She still even asks me if I’m okay from my concussion last year.”

Favorite class

“That’s honestly hard to pin down, but I’d probably say Treble Choir. It’s nice at the end of the day to be able to just practice music and not have to worry about anything else for that one hour. Also, there are a lot of great people in it and I have met some of my best friends in that class.”

Toughest class

“I would have to say Jewish Bible Study. I’m in that class right now, and it’s a lot of writing. I’m not the strongest writer, but the topic is interesting, and Professor Eich is an amazing teacher who loves talking about the Bible.”

Campus involvement

“We have a Martial Arts Club on campus! I joined this year as a way to make new friends with similar interests. Everyone there is very welcoming and kind! This past month or so, I have been going to Poetry Underground meetings. It’s been fun going and trying cool writing activities and listening to others writing about whatever they want to write about.”

Golden opportunities

“I got to live on campus this last summer while working. LMI is a great place with good pay. They also paid money toward tuition and let me have a flexible work schedule.

“I’ve always been in choir since I started going to school. Carthage lets me keep singing here in Treble Choir. Christmas Fest is stressful, but it’s very rewarding when you look at recordings of it. Everyone coming together to make an amazing show and it coming together well is really gratifying.”

Career goal

“I want to be a part of the JET program and teach English in Japan while getting a master’s degree in Japanese. While there, I want to continue my study of martial arts with the teachers in Japan that only speak Japanese.”

Favorite spot on campus

“I love the outdoor patio of The Caf. Now that it’s finally warming up, you can sit outside eating and enjoy the view of the lake.”

Favorite memory

“Some of my favorite times have been in the Tower lounges, watching movies with friends. We all get snacks and just watch whatever we want to. Going to the Caf with your best friends is always fun. My friends and I try to all get dinner together once a week at least, and we’re the loudest people in the Caf!”

Advice for other students in your major?

“Japanese is a hard language, but the TLEs and Wang Sensei are amazing teachers. You’ll find a lot of people in the department who want to learn about Japan just as much as you do. My advice is to get the textbooks early. If you’re thinking of majoring in Japanese, I’d pick up the Genki Textbook a year before you come to college.”