Rachael Durie

Rachael Durie

Class Year


Current home

Chicago, IL


Accounting and Marketing

Current Position

Senior Accountant/CPA at Catholic Extension

As a senior accountant/CPA at Catholic Extension, Rachael Durie ’18 provides timely and accurate financial data. Due to the organization’s size, Ms. Durie is heavily involved in almost every aspect of their operations, including cash management, budgeting, fundraising, parish calendar sales, investments, endowments, and more!

Ms. Durie was part of a young alumni panel hosted by Carthage’s School of Business and Economics. She is currently a member of the Carthage Alumni Council.

“I really enjoy being able to contribute to the mission of organizations by giving them a solid financial foundation to build on.”

Rachael Durie, ’18

What have you enjoyed most about your career?

“I have enjoyed working in the not-for-profit industry! I started my career in public accounting at Plante Moran and audited not-for-profits all over Chicago and the Midwest. I now work internally for an NFP. I really enjoy being able to contribute to the mission of organizations by giving them a solid financial foundation to build on. If your books/finances are messy and can’t provide you with timely and accurate information, there are so many opportunities that can be missed and limited resources that can be wasted.”

How did Carthage prepare you?

“During my accounting classes, we were always taught to take a step back and think. It is very easy to just memorize rules and procedures, which are important in accounting, but they wanted us to think critically about the why. That has helped me because not only did it deepen my understanding, but I am also able to be an analytical resource for my organization.”

Why did you choose Carthage?

“I chose Carthage because it already felt like home. I was the 21st member of my family to attend Carthage including my older sister who was a junior when I was a freshman. There are many photos of us growing up wearing Carthage sweatshirts. We would visit the campus as kids for various events, and once my sister started attending, I would go stay with her on weekends. It was kind of a no-brainer for me.”

What opportunities were made possible because of your Carthage experience?

J-Term!! I went to Namibia and Peru during J-Term and never would have traveled to those countries on my own. I learned so much on those trips and still tell people about them today. Having J-Term on my resume actually helped me get my first job at Plante Moran. My interview with the office managing partner in Chicago almost completely focused on my J-Term trips. He was very interested to hear about them and what I learned, and I do think it set me apart from the other applicants.”

What Carthage professors played a part in your success and how?

Professor Julie Dawson played a huge part in my success. She really cared about each student individually and wanted to get to know us. I remember one time she emailed me late at night after a test to tell me that she was posting grades and to not be upset because my grade was going to be significantly lower than I was used to because I missed a page! She gave me a heads up because she knew me well enough to know I might be upset by it. She was so kind in that way of thinking about the well-being of her students.”

What's your favorite Carthage memory?

“My favorite Carthage memory was meeting my now husband! He and I met on the very first day of freshman year because we were in the same orientation group. It just so happened that we also had Spanish class together that first semester and the rest is history. We got married in September 2021.”

Tips for current Carthage students?

“Take a J-Term trip. Get involved in whatever clubs may interest you - try new things! Enjoy the time you have because it will go fast!”

Are you a Carthage graduate who is excelling in your field?