Kortni Robinson ?24

Kortni Robinson

Class Year



Flossmoor, Illinois




Women’s and Gender Studies, and Dance

Kortni Robinson ’24 is majoring in sociology and minoring in both dance and women’s and gender studies. A resident of Flossmoor, Illinois, she wanted to follow in her sister’s footsteps and decided to attend Carthage. The tight-knit community and close proximity to home solidified her decision to come to the College.

She’s had several amazing experiences here at Carthage including, participating in the SURE program, a J-Term trip to Paris, and an on-campus sorority Pi Theta.

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“The professors have really inspired me to follow my passions. Having good relationships with faculty strengthens my trust in Carthage and what it has to offer.”

Kortni Robinson, ’24

Faculty mentors

“Carthage faculty have really made me rethink my career path by showing me that there are different types of people in every field. I no longer feel pigeonholed or stuck on a path that isn’t fulfilling. The professors have really inspired me to follow my passions. Having good relationships with faculty strengthens my trust in Carthage and what it has to offer. I’ve gotten to know Professor Katherine Hilson better these past two years, and she’s definitely inspired me to want to work in education.”

Favorite class

“My favorite class at Carthage has been Decoding Disney with Professor Danielle Jarvis. That class really took me for a loop and forced me to dig deep into my childhood and how certain notions/nuances were implemented on me. It was a really well-structured class that was always engaging.”

Toughest class

“My toughest class would have to be Cultural Anthropology because it is a field I have never studied or learned about before. It was just tough to take something as dense as Cultural Anthropology and consume it entirely.”

Campus involvement

“I am a member of the Pi Theta local sorority. Being a part of Pi Theta has really brought me out of my comfort zone and opened me up to so many people. I have also been able to get involved with the community, which has been really rewarding.”

Golden opportunities

“Being a dance minor, I participate in many dance shows. Each show gets better and is a fun way to collaborate with other dancers and get more inspiration. And I’ve choreographed pieces for the shows, which has given me a lot of space to be creative and grow my craft.”

Career goal

“I plan to get my master’s degree in women’s and gender studies, and hopefully become a professor!”

Favorite spot on campus

“My favorite spot on campus is definitely right behind The Tower. I love going sea glass hunting and just sitting by the lake.”

Biggest surprise

“The biggest surprise would definitely be all the different people I have met and relationships I have formed since being at Carthage.”

Advice for other students in your major?

“Some advice I would give to a future sociology student is to remain open-minded and always to be willing to learn.”

What would your 8-year-old self think of you now?

“I think my 8-year-old self would be very surprised because I always ran from the possibility of being an educator. However, she would probably be very excited because I loved playing teacher growing up.”