Nikkiema Harris

Nikkiema Harris

Class Year



Zion, Ilinois


English, Creative Writing Emphasis



At Carthage, Nikkiema Harris ’24 was able to form relationships with new people, build a sense of community, and gain work experience as a marketing writer. These opportunities gave her confidence to self-publish two books: “Holy Footprints: Her Chemotherapy Journey: Visions 1 & 2” and “What She Portrays: Vol. 1: A Journey through Emotional Abuse, Losing Sight of Your Faith, Relationship Issues, Self-Love, and Much More.”

Nikkiema has also been awarded several Carthage scholarships, including the Wiggan-Kenniewbrew Scholarship and the Wilson Family Scholarship.

Learn about Carthage’s Creative Writing Program
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“Other students should consider the English major with a creative writing emphasis because of the outstanding faculty and staff in the English Department. Literature also helps us to understand the societal and cultural aspects of life through plays, poetry, and short novels.”

Nikkiema Harris, ’24

Why Carthage?

“I chose Carthage because it has a creative writing program, which I heavily researched when applying to colleges and universities.”

Faculty mentors

“My relationships with faculty have helped me develop interpersonal and professional skills, perform well in my classes, build relationships with others (including those who differ), and foster a sense of community.”

Favorite class

“So far, my favorite class at Carthage has been Introduction to Sociology with Professor Katherine Hilson. While taking that course, I cultivated multiple perspectives through a cultural and social lens, changing my perspectives on how I view the world and its people. Also, I learned about the numerous ways sociology helps us understand how culture influences and structures language and our social relationships with others.”

Toughest class

“So far, the most challenging class I’ve taken at Carthage has been Psychological Science. I took that course during my first year of college and had difficulty understanding the class material.”

Golden opportunities

“In Feb. 2022, I was given the opportunity to be a Wiggan-Kenniebrew mentor and a part of the National Honor Society of Leadership and Success.”

Internships or campus employment

“I am a box office assistant, event staff member, and marketing writer for the Office of Visual and Performing Arts. As a box office assistant, I assist Carthage alumni, faculty, staff, and students via phone, email, or in person. I also sell tickets for upcoming events, as well as monitor transactions. As an event staff member, I set up and strike equipment from musical practices, recitals, and concerts. I also usher at on-campus events. Lastly, as a marketing writer, I write press releases for upcoming events, significantly contributing to one of two of my aspiring professions as an author.”

Career goal

“After I graduate from Carthage in May 2024, I plan to pursue a Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Counseling from Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA.”

Favorite memory

“Some of my favorite Carthage moments and memories include the time I attended Summerfest in fall 2021, was offered to be a student worker for the Office the Visual and Performing Arts, and formed relationships with other English majors.”

Biggest surprise

“My biggest surprise so far has been being featured on The Bridge, considering I have always had difficulty putting myself out there due to how introverted I am.”

What would your 8-year-old self think of you now?

“I know my eight-year-old self would be very proud of me, considering she has always had difficulty putting herself out there. At a young age, I always knew I wanted to be a writer. But I didn’t know how open I would be to discoveries and new opportunities.”