Lauren Vejvoda

Lauren Vejvoda

Class Year


Current home

Milwaukee, WI


Accounting and Finance

Current Position

Senior Corporate Accountant at Sum Elkay Water Solutions

Lauren Vejvoda ’20 currently works as a senior corporate accountant at Zurn Elkay Water Solutions in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She manages prepaid and accruals for their monthly and yearly financials, assists with 10-Q and 10-K reporting, and manages staff accountants.

“I have enjoyed the challenge, constant change in accounting standards, growth, and getting to always meet and work with new people.”

Lauren Vejvoda, ’20

How did Carthage prepare you?

“The challenge and detail-oriented accounting classes with Professor Julie Dawson absolutely helped guide me and build me into the person I am today. Being given assistance whenever needed from professors always helped in solidifying the material to use in the real world.”

What opportunities were made possible because of your Carthage experience?

“My internship, leadership programs, and first job out of college were made possible because of Carthage. The first company I worked for came to Carthage and offered me to be part of their leadership program, which led to an internship offer and then a full-time position.”

What Carthage professors played a part in your success and how?

“Prof. Dawson played the biggest part in my success. Her continual guidance and mentorship allowed me to become my best self in my profession.”

What's your favorite Carthage memory?

“Almost all of my favorite Carthage memories were either on the spring break trips with Habitat for Humanity, the J-Term trips I took to Sweden and Costa Rica, or in the dance program. Carthage shaped me into who I am because of all these opportunities listed.”

Tips for current Carthage students?

“My biggest tip is to be a sponge. Try to take in everything you possibly can when you are first starting your career; the more you can take in, the more you will learn and be able to master.”

Are you a Carthage graduate who is excelling in your field?