Isabelle Hunter ?24

Isabelle Hunter

Class Year



Round Lake, Illinois




Asian Studies

Isabelle Hunter ’24 transferred to Carthage because of the College’s Japanese program and the required study abroad experience, for which they received a scholarship. Having wanted to learn Japanese since they were a kid, Isabelle hopes to obtain a degree in Japanese and then become a Japanese translator.

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“The Japanese program has a very close-knit community, and I love knowing almost everyone in the major.”

Isabelle Hunter, ’24

Faculty mentors

“All the Japanese teachers are amazing and so kind. They are always willing to help and go above and beyond to make sure their students are successful. They give good feedback and are always willing to answer any questions students have.”

Favorite class

“My Japanese classes are my favorite because I have been wanting to learn Japanese since I was young. And since I have Japanese classes with almost the exact same people every time, I know everyone, which makes it easy to have conversations and relate to each other even outside of class.”

Toughest class

“History of Art was a tough class because I am not an art major, and the way art academics is taught is way different than what I’m used to. I feel like there is a big learning curve for classes like that.”

Campus involvement

“I am involved in a lot of clubs and was on the e-board for a couple of them. I was the president of Japanese Club, the secretary/vice president of Asian Pacific American Coalition of Carthage, the public relations person for both the Paleontology Club and Entomology Club, and a member of the Rock Climbing Club and Trailstompers. I also work at the campus rock wall.”

Best study tip

“I use the Pomodoro Technique and noise-cancelling headphones. Go to a quiet spot, and put your phone on do not disturb. Sometimes it might feel nicer to study with other people, but the chances that you will get distracted are higher than if you were to study alone.”