ryan schiable ?08

Ryan Schaible

Class Year


Current home

Oswego, IL



Current Position

Director of Community Cares at Community Christian Church

Using his religion degree, Ryan Schaible ’08 has made a difference in his community as director of community cares at the Community Christian Church. Over the years, he’s helped people on religious journeys find their way and advocates for vulnerable and marginalized groups. 

Mr. Schaible church’s Christmas “Giftmart” provided toys for more than 1,000 families who couldn’t afford to buy Christmas presents and raised $13,000 to support under-resourced schools in his community.

“Carthage taught me to think deeply about faith and theology…I spent 12 years in youth ministry and made a career transition to social work. I recently returned to church-based ministry and truly love the work I am doing!”

Ryan Schaible, ’08

What have you enjoyed most about your career?

“I spent 12 years in youth ministry and made a career transition to social work. I recently returned to church-based ministry and truly love the work I am doing!”

What opportunities were made possible because of your Carthage experience?

“Carthage taught me to think deeply about faith and theology, but I also learned a lot about myself (both the good and the bad) and learned how to become the person I truly want to be.”

Are you a Carthage alum who is excelling in your field?