Rich Smith
Rich Smith
Class Year
Current home
Mt Pleasant, Wisconsin
Theatre and Business
Current Position
Managing Artistic Director at The Sixth Street Theatre and The Over Our Head Players
Rich Smith ’09, who majored in business and theatre at Carthage, is now the managing artistic director at The Sixth Street Theatre and The Over Our Head Players. Recently, Mr. Smith led the Snowdance 10-Minute Comedy Competition, and wrote and produced the original musical series “Kringle: The Musical.”
What have you enjoyed most about your career?
“I enjoy providing opportunities for local actors and artists and giving our community alternative styles of theatre that are usually limited to cities much larger than ours. I’ve also enjoyed leading the theatre company into its 33rd season of live theatre in downtown Racine. We have seen the growth of businesses around us flourish, and we take a lot of pride in the fact that our theatre is a destination.”
How did Carthage prepare you?
“Being able to use both my theatre degree and business degree simultaneously is personally gratifying. My time at Carthage included experiences with faculty in two very different faces of the College. That diverse experience alone provided unique insights for what was ahead in the theatre business.”
Why did you choose Carthage?
“Carthage’s reputation played a large part as well as providing me the ability to complete one degree as an adult learner in the evening, while completing the other as a traditional student during the day. This flexibility at the time meant a great deal to me and really provided me with a unique experience as a 40-year-old student.”
What Carthage professors played a part in your success and how?
“Working with educators and professors who had real-world experience in both areas played a huge part in my education. Professor Herschel Krueger’s patience and trust in me stand out as something I truly needed and always appreciated.”
Tips for current Carthage students?
“Enjoy the ride, and more importantly, don’t take any class for granted. The one experience or instructor that you may be least excited about may very well end up being an experience that stays with you the rest of your life. Enter every opportunity with open eyes.”