Emily Harmon

Emily Harmon

Class Year

M.M. ’21

Current home

Columbus, Ohio


M.M. in Musical Theatre Vocal Pedagogy

Current Position

Director of Well-Being at Elevate Consulting

Emily Harmon M.M. ’21 received her Master of Music in Musical Theatre Vocal Pedagogy at Carthage. Currently, she is pursuing her Doctorate in Organization Development and Change at Bowling Green State University.

Ms. Harmon also works as the director of well-being at Elevate Consulting, where she performs research, manages client relationships, and facilitates workshops for educators, business professionals, and athletes. She also has certifications as a functional breathing instructor and a wellness coach.

“After graduating from Carthage, my career has been creatively fulfilling, mentally engaging, and emotionally satisfying.” 

Emily Harmon, M.M. ’21

What have you enjoyed most about your career?

“I have the opportunity to help hundreds of professionals each month enjoy not only their jobs, but their lives more fully, while I get to research topics I am deeply interested and invested in.”

How did Carthage prepare you?

“Carthage prepared me for my career by showing me a bridge between creativity/artistry and academics/research. My experience at Carthage taught me how to collaborate on a deeper level as well as how to share my thoughts and opinions. I left Carthage a more capable and confident version of myself.”

Why did you choose Carthage?

“I chose Carthage because it was one of very few high caliber programs in the country offering specialization in what I was interested in. I was impressed by my first conversation with Professor Corinne Ness and continued to be throughout my time at Carthage.”

What opportunities were made possible because of your Carthage experience?

“I would not have the confidence in my research and academic writing abilities without my Carthage experience. My time at Carthage and the guidance I received there was the catalyst for me to pursue my doctoral degree.”

What Carthage professors played a part in your success and how?

“Prof. Ness guided me throughout my thesis research while allowing me to be creative and follow my curiosity. Without this guidance, I would not have felt confident choosing my topic and developing my performance project, which was out of the box for my particular area of study. I have immense gratitude toward her, as well as my voice professors Jeremy Mossman and Peg Cleveland.”