Caden Broesch ?22

Caden Broesch

Class Year


Current home

Gurnee, Illinois


Environmental Science with a Conservation and Ecology Emphasis

Current Position

Arborist Plant Healthcare Specialist at Bartlett Tree Experts

After graduating from Carthage with a degree in environmental science, Caden Broesch ’22 was hired to work at Barlett Tree Experts, where he was given the opportunity to get certifications in first aid, tree work, and pesticide application. His duties include applying treatments to trees in residential and commercial properties depending on what insects or pathogens are active at the time.

Mr. Broesch stays involved on campus by representing Bartlett Tree Experts at the annual Carthage Sustainability Summit. 

“Working directly with real-world clients in my courses helped prepare me for a career right out of school.”

Caden Broesch, ’22

What have you enjoyed most about your career?

“I enjoy the constant learning that happens in my field. It feels great to go back to returning clients’ properties and see their trees thriving, especially when they otherwise might not be without our service. I greatly appreciate how committed Bartlett Tree Experts are to reducing environmental contamination through proper training and lab-led development.”

How did Carthage prepare you?

“The field work in lab classes such as Soil Science, Introduction to Geographic Information Science, and Environmental Chemistry taught me skills I use in my job nearly every day.”

Why did you choose Carthage?

“I choose Carthage because the school has been a part of my life long before I was in college. I grew up in Kenosha and participated in events at Carthage throughout my education. When I was in high school, my mom began working at Carthage, and I think fate was sealed from that point. I have always been very impressed with the facilities and faculty at Carthage, and the growth of the school during my childhood was phenomenal.”

What opportunities were made possible because of your Carthage experience?

“I believe Carthage played a key role in me being able to find a career starting immediately after graduation. The resources Carthage provides to graduating students can be very useful in the process of finding a job.”

What Carthage professors played a part in your success and how?

“Carthage professors who played a part in my success include professors Sarah Rubinfeld, Wenjie Sun, Joy Mast, and Tracy Gartner. The faculty at Carthage are highly educated and great to work with. I enjoy how they always seem to relate their lessons to real-life scenarios, making them much easier to understand and apply.”

What role have the values in Carthage's mission, "Seeking Truth, Building Strength, Inspiring Service — Together" played in your life?

“In a world so full of misinformation, Carthage is committed to teaching students how to navigate and find valuable data. I learned how to assess information online, which is a highly valuable skill in today’s world. Carthage helped me build both my physical and mental strength. The fitness classes available helped teach me valuable nutrition information, and learning to manage a busy schedule helped build my mental fortitude. Studying the critical role our environment plays in everything helped inspire me to service. The world truly needs people who strive for greatness, especially right now.”

What's your favorite Carthage memory?

“Some of my best memories at Carthage involve spending time with my fraternity brothers from Phi Kappa Sigma.”

Tips for current Carthage students?

“Never stop learning. There is always more to learn, and everything is fascinating if you look hard enough. I would also say to always know your worth, but not to let a hunger for profits cloud your goals. Financials are extremely important, but being fulfilled is invaluable.”

Are you a Carthage graduate who is excelling in your field?