Abraham Lincoln statue on Carthage College's campus.
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Today, Carthage President John R. Swallow sent the following message to the Carthage community:

Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,

Yesterday, the Trump administration announced that it will end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Nearly 800,000 people, through no fault of their own, now face substantial uncertainty about their future, and may be required to leave the only country they have known.

I know this decision may affect some members of our community or their families. I write today to emphasize Carthage’s commitment to all of our students, regardless of background. We are all Carthaginians. The welfare of each of us must be the concern of all of us. Following the announcement, I reviewed with College counsel, and with Executive Staff, Carthage’s commitment to support affected students.

  • Carthage staff stand ready to assist and support those affected.
  • Carthage will not, unless compelled by law, release privileged information about any student.
  • Any relevant questions about our students should be directed to Abigail Heinrichs, Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness, who will handle any requests in accordance with institutional protocols designed to protect students’ privacy. She can be reached at 262-551-2450.

We must end this uncertainty and enable those affected to continue to contribute to our society. On behalf of Carthage, I have joined more than 600 college and university presidents in asking Congress to continue the DACA program. I encourage you to contact our nation’s leaders, as well, to protect those affected by this week’s decision.


John R. Swallow
Carthage College