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Women in Leadership Series

In a series of Q&A profiles, Carthage is highlighting women with leadership roles in student organizations. The women in this series have started their own campus organizations that have brought students together who share the same passions and goals for their future. These women are an inspiration to the Carthage community, and their leadership and drive is deserving of recognition.

Jana Ahlstrand ’24, Bea Magazine

Jana Ahlstrand ?24 Jana Ahlstrand ’24 Jana Ahlstrand ’24 is a graphic design major and business administration minor at Carthage, and the president and editor in chief of Bea Magazine. A number of communities on campus have come together for Bea Magazine to share their love of pop culture, wellness, fashion, and creativity. Bea’s first issue will be released in spring 2023 thanks to the hard work of many Carthage students.

What inspired you to create your own club?

Jana: “As a freshman, I was hoping that someone would go out of their way to make a club like Bea. I know a lot of people on campus wished there was an outlet in which they can cross-program with so many different creative departments. That being said, I kind of got tired of waiting for someone else to do it, so I did. I wanted to give Carthage students the opportunity to practice their creative fields and prepare them for the real world by helping them network and build their portfolios.”

Have you always seen yourself as a leader?

Jana: “Nope! I was definitely someone who liked to sit back and watch, and I liked being told what to do. But as I got older, I started to realize that not everything was going to get handed to me, and I needed to start to find my own way in life. The tight-knit community is something that has allowed me to flourish in so many ways. If I were to have chosen a bigger school than Carthage, I don’t think I would have grown as much as I did in my character and confidence, let alone have the opportunity to start a club.”

What has been the most exciting part about running your club?

Jana: “Definitely the process. It’s not an easy process, but I know that the end result is going to be so exciting. Once we release our first magazine edition, I think that’s when I will know everything was worth it.”

What has been the most rewarding part of running your club?

Jana: “I think the most rewarding part of starting a club is when people are genuinely interested in and excited about what you’re doing. The fact that people want to join my club is crazy to me. I’ve even had some people tell me that they are so grateful that I’ve started a club that is so engaged in fashion and design because Carthage itself doesn’t offer us some of these outlets.”

How do you balance school, student job, social life, other activities, and leadership?

Jana: “These past few years, I’ve been involved in things more than I ever have in my life. Currently, I am the student lead for my internship with the Carthage Athletics Department, I was just elected the new president of Chi Omega, and I just started a new club. Time management has never been more crucial, and the only way I keep sane is by having a routine and writing everything down!”

What advice would you give to anyone looking to start their own club?

Jana: “Don’t wait for someone else to do it! If it hasn’t been done before, that’s oftentimes a great opportunity just waiting for you.”