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The Wisconsin chapter of the National Association of Social Workers held its annual conference on Oct. 25-27 in Milwaukee with over 500 professionals in attendance.

The Carthage College social work program was well represented at this conference, with two current students and two alumnae serving as panelists in a presentation titled: “What Gen Z Social Workers Want the Rest of Us to Know.”

Maddie Boratto ’24 and Emily Eckheart ’24 were joined by Adrianna Acosta ’19 and Annie Shirley ’20 to discuss the vision for the social work profession for the next generation of young people entering this field. This panel discussion was a follow-up to Professor Debbie Minsky-Kelly’s keynote address, “The Future of Social Work: Are We Ready to Face the Challenges of the Next Generation?”

From left to right: Annie Shirley ?20, Maddie Boratto ?24, Prof. Debbie Minsky-Kelly, Emily Eckhe... From left to right: Annie Shirley ’20, Maddie Boratto ’24, Prof. Debbie Minsky-Kelly, Emily Eckheart ’24, and Adrianna Acosta ’19.

The feedback from an audience of seasoned social work professionals was incredibly positive in building hope for the future by seeing the intelligence, poise, commitment, and passion these Gen Z panelists will bring to their communities.

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