IRB Steps for Faculty & Staff Researchers

IRB guidelines apply to research conducted at Carthage and/or by Carthage investigators. All studies reviewed by the Carthage IRB require a principal investigator (PI) who is Carthage faculty/staff member. All Carthage researchers who plan to use human participants must file a project with the Institutional Review Board via the IRBNet system.

Submitting Your Project for Review

1. Read the information provided on the Carthage IRB website.
2. Complete the required training and upload documentation to your project or link your CITI and IRBNet accounts.
3. Design your research project and complete the IRB application and necessary documents using the resources provided on the IRB Forms and Resources page.
4. Upload the application and all necessary documents to IRBNet.
5. Ensure signatures are complete in IRBNet (See required departmental signature list) and submit to the IRB.
6. Respond to any questions or modifications from the IRB.


The Carthage Institutional Review Board uses IRBNet to manage submissions, review, and oversight of our research protocols. Only Carthage faculty/staff can create an account in IRBNet. Carthage students who are conducting research involving human subjects should work with their faculty supervisor to submit a project to the IRB. Get started in IRBNet with the following resource links: