Carthage has more than 130 student clubs and organizations through which students can get involved, explore possible careers, meet other students, work closely with faculty advisors, and perform customer service. See a full list of Carthage student organizations on The Harbor, our website for student organizations.

Psi Chi

Psi Chi is the national honor society for psychology. Membership is open to psychology majors/minors. Eligibility is based on an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher, being in the top third of the psychology GPA, and the completion of three psychology classes. Members can travel to local and national conferences to present papers and projects, and participate in a national service project.


Pals and Partners

The Pals and Partners program is very popular with Carthage psychology majors. The program pairs Carthage students with community children who are identified as “at-risk” because of home life or experiences in school. Carthage students provide positive role models for the children, help them understand the importance of school, and encourage them to get involved in positive activities outside the classroom. Participants must commit a minimum of 2 hours per week to the program.


Psychology Club

Psychology Club strives to give all students in psychology a way to study, discuss, and work with different themes in the field of psychology, and to work with the organizations on campus that focus on the psychological field to spread the importance and advance the field of psychology. The club plans campus-friendly events, as well as organization exclusive events that provide the members with ways to discuss psychology.

To see more Carthage student organizations, visit The Harbor