For centuries, beacons have lit the way for humanity. Countless generations have used them to guide ship captains and pilots in their travels and to warn residents of impending danger.

Their power exists in their brilliant light — a beam that can pierce the murkiest fog and reach the outermost regions of the land. In that spirit, the Alumni Council created the Carthage Beacon Award to recognize alumni who provide light to their communities.

In 2022, the College introduced four award categories: personal achievement, professional achievement, service and leadership, and achievement by young alumni. The ceremony is now held biennially. The College is proud to recognize these alumni, whose actions illuminate those around them.

Nominate someone for a Beacon Award

2022 Beacon Award Recipients

Sandy Meneley ’68
Jacquelyn Drummer ’71
Sarah Ott ’08
Zachary Butera ’16

2019 Beacon Award Recipients

Brett Harmeling ’10
Mary Hooks ’04
Tyler Johnson ’06
Veronica Moore ’05
Scott Peterson ’01
Michael Rust ’02

2017 Beacon Award Recipients

Wayne Cramer ’82
Richard E. Custin ’80, M.Ed. ’96
Pat Hamilton ’78
Ann O’Leary ’14

2016 Beacon Award Recipients

Patrick Cairns ’99
Dieter Jedan ’69
Vivian Onano ’14
Michelle Serpe ’71
Wayne Thompson ’78
David Wiers ’98

2015 Beacon Award Recipients

Adam Dubis ’06
Mikaley Osley ’14
Isaac Rothenbaum ’11
Kathryn (Hinterlong) McDonough ’07
Guy Meiss ’58
Michael Warneke ’02

2014 Beacon Award Recipients

Gregory Bergner ’71
Juliana Blum-Newkirk ’98
Anthony D’Souza ’95
David Maack ’88
Timothy Rucks ’83
Rebecca Steinbach ’85

1992 Young Alumni Award Recipient*

Thomas Vignieri ’83

1991 Young Alumni Award Recipient

Haves McNeal ’77

1990 Young Alumni Award Recipient

Barry Rabe ’79

1989 Young Alumni Award Recipient

Jeff Hamar ’80

1988 Young Alumni Award Recipient

Jill (Horst) Lindberg ’78

1987 Young Alumni Award Recipient

John Bengtson ’75

1984 Young Alumni Award Recipients

Richard Perry, Jr. ’73
Philip Slocum ’74

1983 Young Alumni Award Recipients

John Seal ’72
James Thompson ’74

1982 Young Alumni Award Recipient

Donald H. Johnson, Jr. ’72

1981 Young Alumni Award Recipients

Bradley Anderson ’71
Kathleen (Holmes) Goeppinger ’69

1980 Young Alumni Award Recipients

John McGinty ’72
Robert Zapf ’69

*Prior to 2014, individuals were recognized with a Young Alumni Award rather than a Beacon Award