An outline of the Student Conduct Point System:

  • The Assistant, Associate, and Dean of Students retain the authority, within established due process procedures, to immediately dismiss or suspend any student at any time.
  • Students and organizations are assessed points and sanctions for violations of Carthage policies.
  • The point system is divided into three categories, based on the degree of severity of the infraction.
  • One point violations remain on the student’s record during the entire period the student is enrolled at Carthage. The point is considered part of the student’s accumulated point total for one year from the date of the incident.
  • Two point violations remain on the student’s record during the entire period the student is enrolled at Carthage.
  • Repetition of any violation will result in a two point minimum assessment.
  • Greater point accumulations (three or more), become a permanent part of the student’s record and accumulated point total.
  • New or not covered violations will have a point value determined by the Dean of Students/Director of Student Conduct.
  • Six accumulated points in any two consecutive semesters constitute grounds for suspension or dismissal. J-Term points will be considered first semester points and included within the first semester point total; summer school points will be included within the second semester point total.
  • Accumulated points warranting suspension or dismissal proceedings shall be:
    • First-year students: 6 points
    • Second-year students: 9 points
    • Third-year students: 12 points
    • Fourth-year or more: 15 points
  • A student committing multiple violations at the same time may be assessed multiple points. For example, a student who is found in violation of the policy governing foul and abusive language and vandalism during the same incident may be assessed points for both violations.
  • Floors are to be treated as individuals within the system. Should a floor or group of students (not individual students) be found in violation of a Carthage policy, the floor or group of students will be considered for sanctions and disbandment.
  • At their discretion, the Dean of Students/Director of Student Conduct will determine in which category offenses are placed.


The sanctions imposed will be based upon the incident in question as well as the student’s conduct history. In all cases where sanctions are imposed, the student will receive written notification and a copy will become part of the student’s conduct file in the Office of Student Life. Depending on the severity of the violation, the parents or guardians of the student may receive written notification of the decision. For sexual misconduct incidents, the complainant will be notified in writing of any institutional disciplinary proceeding that arises from an allegation of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. The following are the penalties most often assigned, listed in increasing order of severity. However, the Hearing Officer may assign additional penalties, including written warning, monetary fines, restitution, activities restrictions, short term suspension, counseling, community service, educational assignment, room or hall relocation, and/or revocation of residency status. Exemplary behavior may be considered and factored in when deciding sanctions. Any student who is removed from a campus residence because of a student conduct sanction remains financially responsible for the room portion of the residency fee.

Probation — The student is notified in writing that any further violation(s) of Carthage policies may result in immediate removal from the residence halls, suspension or expulsion. A student on probation status may be excluded from participating in all co-curricular or non-credit activities, except as a spectator, and may not represent Carthage at any public appearance. Co-curricular and non-credit activities include, but are not limited to, all extra-curricular activities (i.e. inter-collegiate athletics, intramurals, Greek participation, clubs, etc.). A time limit will be stated but normally should not exceed one calendar year. This sanction may be an alternative to suspension and/or expulsion. A copy of the letter is placed in the student’s confidential conduct file and will remain part of this file for up to five years after leaving Carthage College, and is sent to the parent/guardian. No notation is made on the permanent record in the Registrar’s Office.

Suspension — The student may be dismissed as a student for a specified time (typically no less than the remainder of an academic term and could be years). Based on the time of the supension, a W(withdrawal) will be recorded for each course on the on the official college record if after the add/drop deadline. Suspension can be a specific duration or indefinite and subject to later reconsideration. Unless otherwise specified, suspension includes a ban from campus until the date the person is eligible for re-application.

Expulsion — The offender is permanently dismissed from the college. Unless otherwise specified, dismissal includes a ban from campus and no eligibility to return to Carthage. Based on the time of the supension, a W(withdrawal) will be recorded for each course on the on the official college record if after the add/drop deadline. A copy of the letter is placed in the student’s confidential conduct file, and sent to the parent/guardian. A notification is made on the permanent record in the Registrar’s Office.