Qualified faculty and staff wishing to apply for tuition assistance via the Carthage College tuition remission program or the ELCA exchange program are required to complete this form. (Please note: If you wish to apply for The Tuition Exchange Scholarship Program, you will need to apply The Tuition Exchange website.)

Please note: For dependents, this form should only be completed AFTER the dependent has applied to the college(s) of their choice.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

required text field
required text field
required e-mail address field
required text field
radio button field
Is the employee's adjusted gross income greater than 60,000?
If no, the employee will be required to complete a FAFSA.
required text field
Current or applying student
text field
required text field
text field
required select menu field
required text field
e-mail address field
required textarea field
Include street, apartment number if applicable, city, state, ZIP.
required text field
required select menu field
required checkbox field
required radio button field
Application Year*
required checkbox field
Student is applying as*
required checkbox field
Student is*
required text field
Note: Carthage will not submit application for ELCA or Tuition Exchange scholarships until a student has applied to that institution for admission.
textarea field