Bishop Emeritus Dr. Munib A. Younan
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Bishop Dr. Munib Younan, Bishop Emeritus of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, will be on campus from Wednesday, Feb. 28 through March 2. He will present on the role of religions in peace building in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and hold a Q & A at 7 p.m., on Thursday, March 1, in the Todd Wehr Center, Jockey B.

Bishop Emeritus Younan was educated in Palestine and Finland and has been active in numerous faith organizations such as: the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Fellowship of the Middle East Evangelical Churches (FMEEC) since his ordination in 1976. The bishop was the first to translate the Augsburg Confession, a key document of the Lutheran Church, into Arabic. He is an active member of various ecumenical and interfaith dialogue initiatives in Jerusalem that he helped found.

He is the former President (2010-2017) of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), a global communion of Christian churches with 145 member churches in 79 countries representing more than 70 million Christians. Bishop Emeritus Younan is past president of FMEEC and provides leadership for the ecumenical Patriarchs and Heads of Local Christian Churches in Jerusalem, as well as for the Council of Religious Institutions in the Holy Land (CRIHL), comprised of leaders of Jerusalem’s Jewish, Muslim and Christian communities. His term as acting Bishop of the ELCJHL was from December 1998 – January 2018.

He is the author of “Witnessing for Peace: In Jerusalem and the World” (Augsburg Fortress, USA, 2003), “Our Shared Witness: A Voice for Justice and Reconciliation” (Lutheran University Press, 2012) and “The Augsburg Confession in Arabic” (Emerezian Est., Jerusalem, 1993). Bishop Younan has also written numerous articles, lectures, and presentations relating to the life of Palestinian Lutherans in the Middle East.

This event is sponsored through the Center for Faith and Spirituality. For more information, please email Campus Pastor Kara Baylor or Debbie Clark.