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Finals week can be stressful. The workers at Dunder Mifflin Paper Company in Scranton, Pa. understand what you’re going through after downsizing, getting a new owner, and having a boss like Michael Scott. 

Phases of finals week


Realizing final exams start this week.

The Office Michael gif


Reviewing all the notes you’ve taken over the semester.

The Office: Kelly gif


Preparing for late-night cram sessions by drinking lots of coffee.

The Office: Dwight gif


Feeling tired after days of no sleep.

The Office: Pam sleeping


Trying to come up with the best argument for your final paper.

The Office: Jim Bears


Struggling to remember the answer to that one question you know you studied for.

The Office Andy


Feeling accomplished after finishing your last exam or turning in your final paper.

The Office: Stanley gif


Celebrating the end of the semester and the beginning of winter break!

The Office: dancing gif

Happy finals week! You deserve a Dundie award for all your hard work this semester.
Soon, it’ll be winter break, and you’ll be able to relax and watch your favorite shows like “The Office.”