Model United Nations members at the Homecoming Parade.
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Ten Model United Nations (MUN) students, accompanied by Professor Jerry Mast, competed in two large MUN conferences this spring — both domestically and internationally.

Students chose between an international conference held in Scotland (ScotMUN) or the Southern Regional Model United Nations (SRMUN) Conference held in Charlotte, North Carolina.


From left to right: Tyler Kelly ?24, Megan Baumeister ?24, Maya Zenner ?25, Grace Kucharski ?23, ... From left to right: Tyler Kelly ’24, Megan Baumeister ’24, Maya Zenner ’25, Grace Kucharski ’23, Zoé Moreano ’23, and Joel Branson ’23.

Six students traveled to Scotland to compete in ScotMun on March 10-12 and represented many countries throughout different committees.

  • Joel Branson ’23 represented Russia in the UN Environment Programme Committee.
  • Megan Baumeister ’23 represented the United Kingdom in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
  • Zoé Moreano ’23 represented Finland in the Human Rights Council.
  • Grace Kucharski ’23 represented Belgium in the World Health Organization.
  • Tyler Kelly ’24 represented China in the UN Security Council.
  • Maya Zenner ’25 represented South Korea in the Human Rights Council.


From left to right: Elvira Chiappetta ?23, Nicole Biba ?24, Sabrina Moskow ?25, and Lorin Bucur '... From left to right: Elvira Chiappetta ’23, Nicole Biba ’24, Sabrina Moskow ’25, and Lorin Bucur ’26.

Additionally, four other students represented Carthage as Costa Rica at SRMUN, held in Charlotte, North Carolina on March 23-25. The delegates were in two committees, the General Assembly Plenary (GA Plen) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

  • Elvira Chiappetta ’23, GA Plen
  • Nicole Biba ’24, IOM
  • Sabrina Moskow ’25, GA Plen
  • Lorin Bucur ’26, IOM

All ten of the delegates from Carthage did a fantastic job in their respective committees. Please congratulate them if you see them!

MUN helps students sharpen their “hard” and “soft” skills through research, writing, public speaking (in front of large groups), and diplomacy (by working in smaller groups). In addition to helping students build and refine these skills, MUN also helps students increase their confidence in presenting their views in a potentially stressful environment.

MUN is open to students of all majors. Every year, the team travels to a Chicago conference in the fall (AMUN) and two conferences in the spring, a domestic and international one.

Please explore our website or contact Prof. Roberg ( for more information about joining Carthage MUN.

Sponsoring Department, Office, or Organization:

Model United Nations

For more information, contact:

Jeffrey Roberg:, Jerry Mast:, Lorin Bucur: