Carthage offers a photography major and minor.
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Students are invited to sign up for free action/sports photography workshops with Nicky Drake Friday, Oct. 27 and Saturday, Oct. 28.

Nicky Drake — Texas-based photographer, visual storyteller, and Canon U.S.A. Inc. EDU vertical sales manager — will walk you through everything you need to know about mirrorless cameras and action photography, including sports and events photography.

Registration is required. More details will be provided once you sign up.

Friday, Oct. 27

Action Photography Workshop (Pixels + Pizza)
3:30 to 5 p.m., Niemann Media Theater (HL 159)
In this workshop, you will get to try out various Canon mirrorless cameras (SLRs) and lenses. You will learn about action photography (sports photography and events photography), and in particular which camera settings and lenses to use for specific motion photographs. Pizza will be served.

Saturday, Oct. 28

Hands-on SLR (Mirrorless) Camera + Sports Photography Workshop
11 a.m.-5 p.m., Art Keller Field
In this intensive workshop, you will use the newest Canon SLR camera and telephoto lens(es), and work side-by-side with Nicky Drake to photography the Carthage football pre-game and game. Carthage is playing Carroll University.

Items to bring for either workshop

Bring an empty SD memory card if you would like to take sample footage or photos with the Canon gear.

If you have a Canon camera, please bring it to the event, so you can try different lenses. There will be adapters so your Canon DSLR works with the Canon SLR lenses. (You do not need to have or bring a Canon camera to attend the workshop.)

These workshops are free to Carthage students and supported by Canon.

Sponsoring Department, Office, or Organization:

Photography and Film and New Media Program

For more information, contact:

Prof. Jojin Van Winkle: