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Professor Thomas Powers’ recent book, “American Multiculturalism and The Anti-Discrimination Regime,” has received high praise in a review by Alexander Riley (sociology professor at Bucknell University) in the April issue of the conservative magazine Chronicles.

Prof. Thomas Powers Prof. Thomas Powers In Prof. Riley’s words, Prof. Powers’ book offers “the definitive study on the transformative ramifications of the 1960s civil rights legislation.”

Prof. Riley surveys Prof. Powers’ “two-part” exposition of the expansion of the civil rights revolution. First, a “legal revolution” led by the federal judiciary and the executive branch expanded greatly the reach of the key civil rights laws that were laid down by Congress in the 1960s.

Second, efforts in the domain of American education (Prof. Powers focuses on teacher education and “multicultural education” in particular) mobilized a variety of pedagogical strategies to teach a transformative and, according to Prof. Powers, in some ways radical, vision of the future of American democratic politics.

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Political Science Department

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Paul Ulrich, Chair