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Students in the Advanced Adobe class worked hard this semester to create an annual report design for the Shalom Center of Interfaith Network of Kenosha County, Inc.

One student's an annual report design for the Shalom Center of Interfaith Network. One student's an annual report design for the Shalom Center of Interfaith Network. Along with creating an eight-page design, they created four unique icons, an interactive page turning pdf, and an alternative cover design showcasing an experimental print feature, such as a varnish or embossment.

During final presentations to Shalom Center Executive Director Tamarra Coleman, Ms. Coleman expressed how much she appreciated their concepts and unique designs created. The designers look forward to continued work with supporting the Shalom Center.

Students who participated:

  • Jeanette Ackerman ’25
  • Olivia Del Frate ’24
  • Riley Flanagan ’25
  • Matt Kowalski ’25
  • Alexander Letendre ’24
  • Evelyn Martinez ’26
  • Kassidy Nader ’27
  • Max Robinson ’25
  • Matthew Ruggiero ’25
  • Laura Stockum ’25

See additional project designs

Sponsoring Department, Office, or Organization:

Communication and Digital Media Department