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The Carthage student and alumni networking directory, The Aspire Network, is undergoing a major update.

The Aspire Network is transitioning from our current networking platform to serve our community better. LinkedIn will be Carthage’s primary online alumni network.

Why LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a robust and versatile platform that offers enhanced networking opportunities and professional engagement. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools designed to facilitate meaningful connections, career development, and professional networking. By centralizing our alumni interactions on LinkedIn, we can offer you a more integrated experience, including:

  • Expanded Networking: Connect with fellow Carthage alumni, current students, and professionals from a wide range of industries.
  • Frequent Updates: Receive timely updates on events, news, and opportunities directly through your LinkedIn feed.
  • Professional Development: Get access to a wealth of resources, including job postings and industry news.

Get Started With LinkedIn:

  1. Follow Carthage: Follow Carthage on LinkedIn, or start by making a free account if you haven’t already.
  2. Update Your Profile: Keep your page updated with your latest experiences and accomplishments to maximize networking opportunities.
  3. Engage: Share your stories, accomplishments, and memories with the hashtag #CarthageAlumni; connect with Carthage professors, staff, students; and other alumni, and stay engaged with our community.

Should you have any questions or need assistance during this transition, please do not hesitate to reach out to