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Don’t want your ID photo from three years ago popping up every time a student looks at your eLearning profile? You can update your photo yourself through MyCarthage. Just follow these steps:

1. Log into (Tip: You can always get to My Carthage from the “Tools” drop-down menu of any Carthage web page, or simply log in from

2. Click on “Personal Info” in the upper right corner next to your name.

3. Under “My Info,” click on the “Photo” tab. You will now see your photo, along with the words “Replace Photo:”

4. Click on “Choose File” under “Replace Photo” and choose a new picture from your computer.

5. Click “Save” to see your new photo and save it as your profile picture.

Need a new picture? Submit a request for a new portrait or check The Bridge for upcoming Portrait Days.

Questions about the website? Send an email to Elizabeth Young, Director of Online Communications, at