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One important resource at Carthage is the people who work here. We are in the business of helping students, and we couldn’t help anyone if we didn’t have the right people!

One of our great, hard-working employees is Lynn Dahl. Lynn is the office manager and database specialist for the Office of Continuing Studies.

She has worked at Carthage for 18 years and when asked what she likes most about her job she said, “being in an environment that fosters the opportunity to challenge our understanding of anything and everything.”

Get to know Lynn even more:

Things you personally like:

  • My son and the most spectacular woman he married.
  • The Green Bay Packers. If you know anything about me, that is not a surprise.
  • My newest hobby, watching someone else shovel my sidewalk.
  • Cooking. Few things are more therapeutic than chopping vegetables for a pot of soup and kneading dough for a loaf of bread.
  • Candy Crush Saga. I am hopelessly addicted.

What don’t you like?

  • Driving in bad weather.
  • Political advertisements.
  • Mangling the English language. Their are so many ways too mess up you’re sentences.

If you could meet anyone, who?

  • Judas, just so I could ask him what he was thinking.

Your favorite place on Earth?

  • San Francisco

What would people never guess you do in your role?

  • I coordinate the Cognos User Group.

Before working here, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had? 

  • I spent quite a few years in administration at Great America ensuring compliance with federal and state labor laws, coordinating the operation of the rides and shows, monitoring the volume of guests entering and exiting the park, and generating attendance predictions for staffing purposes.

If you had to go up against our President Greg Woodward in the World Karaoke Championship, what song would you sing? 

  • “Yesterday Once More” by the Carpenters. If I am going to lose, and I would, I might as well sing a song I enjoy.

Thanks, Lynn, for all you do for Carthage and our students!

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