Taylor Kwasny ?25

Taylor Kwasny

Class Year



Oshkosh, WI




Data Science

Taylor Kwasny ’25, an accounting major with a minor in data science, is a recipient of The Aspire Grant, Director’s Grant, Carthage Highest Honors, and other scholarships. “Due to Carthage’s generosity,” says Taylor, “I’m able to attend college, which otherwise wouldn’t be possible.”

Through The Aspire Center, she received help in creating her resume and secured multiple internships with prestigious companies like Baker Tilly and Deloitte. “Deloitte showed me how an office runs and the importance of networking.”

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“The class sizes are small, and the professors take the time to get to know you personally and academically.”

Taylor Kwasny, ’25

Why Carthage?

“I chose Carthage because of the small class sizes and the beautiful lake view. It’s only two hours away from my home, which allows me to explore Kenosha and still get to spend the occasional weekend at home.”

Faculty mentors

“Carthage professors genuinely care about your success. My academic advisor took a personal interest in my mental well-being and helped me navigate my personal issues while making sure I succeeded in my classes.”

Campus involvement

“I’m in the alto section of the Carthage Treble Choir and am the treasurer of the Carthage Accounting Association. I love attending the Diamond Painting Club meetings as a break from my schoolwork.”

Golden opportunities

“I got to travel around Central Europe with the Carthage Treble Choir during J-Term 2023. We visited the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Croatia, and Slovenia, stopping in each country to sing in a church or at a concert. My favorite part of the trip was getting to sing in a limestone cave.”

Internships or campus employment

“I’m a tutor on campus for managerial accounting. I love helping others learn the material while reinforcing my learning. Additionally, I’m the scheduling and records coordinator for the peer tutoring center, which teaches me essential communication skills with my peers and my boss.”

Favorite memory

“Every year, I look forward to the Kick-Off Carnival in the Oaks Circle and the food truck event outside of the A. F. Siebert Chapel. However, my favorite event took place at the end of spring 2023. Carthage Activities Board put together a petting zoo, mini golf, and a mini carnival. I got to cuddle with a baby cow, and the cow fell asleep on me. It was the most precious thing, and I was so sad when I had to leave.”

Best study tip

“I recommend studying somewhere other than your dorm. I often study in the A. W. Clausen Center for World Business or the David A. Straz Jr. Center and occasionally in the floor lounges in the dorms.”

Best tip for making friends

“The best way to meet new people is to talk to the people who sit next to you in your classes. This way, you will have a study buddy you trust, and so do they. Also, introduce yourself to your dorm hall neighbors; you will be next to them all year.”