Adam Blackwood ?24

Adam Blackwood

Class Year



Franklin, WI


Music and Management

Adam Blackwood ’24 is a double major in music and management. Music is an important part of Adam’s life — he’s performed in musical theatre productions before college and is now a member of the Carthage Choir and participates in Opera Workshops. He hopes to use both his degrees to pursue a career within the music industry.

As a student who lives off campus, Adam frequently spends time enjoying the Kenosha area. “The beaches are lovely and relaxing. There are various coffee shops students go to study and other places off campus for performance opportunities if you’re an up-and-coming musician.”

Explore music at Carthage

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“I chose Carthage because of the student-to-professor ratio. I want to have a strong bond with professors who can give me a lot of advice and tips on how to build my career, and Carthage provides just that.”

Adam Blackwood, ’24

Faculty mentors

“The Carthage faculty are always there to help me with any issue that may come up in my life. They actively ask you how your day is going and check in with things happening in your life. It’s a bond that reaches beyond the classroom, and I appreciate each professor’s one-on-one availability in their schedule.”

Favorite class

Carthage Choir has by far been the class that I look forward to daily. All of my closest friends are from this ensemble. It is fantastic to see everybody working hard and having fun with each other outside of rehearsal. Professor Maggie Burk is a hard-working but loveable director and professor, and she makes sure we push ourselves to become better musicians than we ever dreamed of being.”

Campus involvement

“I am involved with the Carthage Choir and am a member of the Rock Climbing Club.”

Golden opportunities

“This past January, I had the fantastic opportunity to go on a J-Term trip to Greece for an international business course. I went with a couple of my friends, and I met many amazing new people I am friends with now.”

“I also went on a Carthage Choir tour to Ireland. It was very rewarding not only to sing in a different country for people, but also to see the beautiful sites and learn more about Irish culture. The choir also traveled to Washington, D.C. and the greater Minneapolis area. On these tours, we performed at various churches and even collaborated with high schools. We also get some free time to explore the museums and landmarks of both locations.”

Internships or campus employment

“I have an on-campus job as an audio-visual technician for the Office of Performing and Visual Arts. I have worked at many events, ranging from student recitals to major ensemble concerts to Night of Praise performances. With this job, I have been able to improve my skills in how audio functions.”

Favorite spot on campus

“The H. F. Johnson Center of the Fine Arts (JAC) is my comfort place. Since I live off campus, I usually relax in the JAC because that is where my friends typically hang out. Socializing with everyone who comes and goes always gives me a burst of energy, no matter how down I feel.”

Favorite memory

“The choir trips to Ireland, Washington D.C., and Minnesota have all been very memorable to me. I’ve enjoyed performing at various opera workshops as well. Additionally, having my senior music thesis is a favorite memory for me because I could complete my music degree and perform many styles of music in front of my closest friends and family.”

Best study tip

“Take your time. Space things out and have a good plan for tackling assignments and projects. Do not rush things. It will only build stress and weaken your time management skills. It is okay to take breaks.”

Best tip for making friends

“Join clubs and choirs, do things you are passionate about, and do not shy away from showing people who you really are. Be yourself. It can take you a long way. Be the best version of yourself, so you can form a bond with students, professors, faculty, and potential recruiters for a job.”

Biggest surprise

“My biggest surprise is how eager your professors are to learn about you. The College’s professor-to-student ratio is relatively low, so students and professors can form stronger bonds. I was not expecting professors to reach out, but they ask the students questions and actively try to get to know you.”

What would your 8-year-old self think of you now?

“Currently, I think my eight-year-old self would be disappointed that I am not a zookeeper, but I understand that my career path is in a very competitive environment. I am determined that my eight-year-old self is proud of me for chasing my dreams.”