False information includes knowingly furnishing false information to the College (including advisors, registrar, professors, etc.) for the purpose of obtaining special consideration or privileges (e.g., postponement of an examination or deadline of the development of a special major).

False information also includes knowingly providing information to the College which results in any undue academic advantage for any student or any undue academic disadvantage for any member of the college.

The penalty for these offenses listed immediately above is the report of the offense to the Office of the Provost. If it is the second report of any type of academic dishonesty the student is automatically dismissed. If it is the first report, at his or her discretion, the Provost can dismiss the violator (e.g., in cases of a particularly egregious violation such as the destruction of another’s work); or the Provost can choose to have the violation noted so a penalty can be administered in the case of a second violation.