See below for specific student conduct rules and policies.

Carthage College adheres to the laws of the State of Wisconsin with regard to the consumption of alcohol, thereby recognizing that individuals under the age of 21 are not of legal drinking age. Given that the majority of the student body at Carthage is under the legal age for purposes of the possession or consumption of alcohol, the College policy is designed to accommodate that majority.

Inappropriate public display of signs, posters, or other objects with references to alcohol, drugs, and accumulations of containers (i.e., bottles, cans, kegs, and boxes) are prohibited.

Student organizations are responsible for adhering to the Alcohol and Other Drug policy. In addition to individual student sanctions, organizations may be subject to a conduct process for hosting an event or promoting an environment that violates this policy.

All violations of Carthage policies or state and federal laws are subject to sanction under the community code. The students’ rights and responsibilities outlined herein will be adhered to as the standard administrative practice regarding student discipline and students’ rights. The entire campus community must assume the role of promoting and enforcing a sense of personal responsibility and exhibiting responsible behavior toward the consumption of alcohol and other drugs.

  1. The possession, manufacture, sale, use, consumption, or delivery of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances, or paraphernalia associated with the use of alcohol or other controlled substances by students on the campus of Carthage is prohibited (except; as noted in number 7, on the following page). This paraphernalia includes but is not limited to: bottles and cans that contain or previously contained alcohol; bongs or devices used for drinking or smoking; “bar like” or game table structures, tappers, kegs, waste containers in excess of 5 gallons. The rule will be strictly enforced.
  2. Use or possession of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances by students off campus is governed and controlled by the laws of the state and/or local law enforcement agencies. Carthage will cooperate with state and/or local law enforcement agencies and owners or proprietors of bars, taverns, restaurants, or other establishments to counteract known violations of College policy and state and local laws by students or student groups associated with the College.
  3. Students in the presence of alcohol and/or other drugs, but not using will be subject to the same disciplinary action under the AODA policy. The college will also consider all individuals found in a public location where alcohol and/or other drugs is present to be in violation of AODA policy.
  4. Undesirable conduct stemming from off-campus usage of AODA is subject to disciplinary action by the College, as outlined herein.
  5. Any group or organization which permits undesirable conduct stemming from on-campus or off-campus AODA usage is subject to disciplinary action by the College, as outlined herein.
  6. The residence halls at Carthage shall be considered student Alcohol and Drug-free zones at all times. The College reserves the right to inspect any and all parcels brought onto campus, to confiscate alcoholic beverages or other controlled substances and the paraphernalia associated with the use of alcohol and other controlled substances, and initiate disciplinary procedures. Carthage respects each student’s right to privacy but reserves the right to inspect students’ rooms and packages as outlined in the “Student Room Entry” procedure. Examples of probable cause are odor, loud noise, observable alcohol and/or other drugs, or other evidence of drug usage. In the event of an incident, all containers and paraphernalia previously outlined in this policy will be emptied and discarded.
  7. The College reserves the right to serve alcoholic beverages, at its discretion, at events in the Todd Wehr Center or elsewhere on or off campus (with the exceptions noted above) to individuals who are of legal drinking age. The College also reserves the right to monitor alcohol consumption by individuals at these events, and to take appropriate steps to assure the safety of all concerned. The College may invite students who are of legal drinking age to such events.
  8. Students are not permitted to transport or consume alcohol, or other drugs, on College-sponsored trips.

AODA Violation Sanctions:

  1. Violations of the Carthage AODA Policy will be considered cumulative during the entire period the student is enrolled at Carthage in determining disciplinary action for repeated violations of the policy.
  2. Disciplinary action will be taken with regard to the use or abuse of controlled substances. A violation may result in a student’s suspension or dismissal from Carthage. Local law enforcement agencies may be summoned, AODA assessment may be required, fines may be assessed, and action similar to other AODA violations may be imposed.
  3. Disciplinary sanctions increase in their severity with repeated student infractions of the AODA policy. Disciplinary sanctions may also be increased in their severity with the presence of common sources of alcohol. The following sanctions shall be employed:
    1. First Offense — one point assessed, $25 fine imposed, may be required to attend an AODA Workshop (failure to attend the workshop will result in further disciplinary action), possible community service or educational assignment, and/or possible chemical dependency evaluation/assessment and/or treatment paid for by the student.
    2. Second Offense — two points assessed, $150 fine imposed, required to attend an AODA workshop, disciplinary probation and/or suspension, possible community service or educational assignment, possible chemical dependency evaluation/assessment, and/or treatment paid for by the student.
    3. Third Offense — two points assessed, $250 fine imposed and/or suspension/dismissal from the College (length dependent upon the severity of accompanying offenses), mandatory chemical dependency evaluation/assessment and/or treatment paid for by the student, and possible community service.
    4. Subsequent violations of the AODA Policy — two points assessed, a $350 fine and suspension/dismissal (length dependent upon the severity of accompanying offenses), the recommendation for chemical dependency evaluation/assessment and/or treatment.
  4. Students failing to attend an assigned AODA workshop will face additional student conduct charges (non-compliance) as well as the imposition of an additional fine.

NOTE: Fines collected for violation of the alcohol policy are dedicated to alcohol abuse prevention efforts and educational programming.

AODA Information

Carthage College recognizes that students often need education and assistance because a person significant to them is afflicted with chemical dependency, or because they require support in their own decisions not to use or abuse alcohol and/or other drugs. Since chemical dependency frequently precedes AODA, Carthage wishes to provide education and assistance to any student displaying the signs of such harmful involvement. Chemical dependency is a serious illness that can be successfully treated if identified early, if appropriate referral to community agencies is made, and if adequate support is afforded to those who are in the process of recovery.

Health Risks Associated with Abuse

Use of drugs or controlled substances, except under professional supervision and prescription, and abuse of alcohol is dangerous. Drugs and alcohol abuse jeopardizes the well-being of the individual and the community. Decreased productivity and learning, serious health problems, breakdown of social relationships, and strain on personal and societal resources follow abuse.

Serious health risks are associated with the use of alcohol, including:

  • Loss of muscle control, poor coordination, and slurred speech
  • Fatigue, nausea, and headache
  • Increased likelihood of accidents
  • Impaired judgment
  • Possible respiratory paralysis and death

Habitual heavy drinking can lead to:

  • Alcoholism damage to brain cells
  • Increased risk of cirrhosis, ulcers, heart disease, heart attack, and cancers of the liver, mouth, throat, and stomach
  • Hallucinations
  • Personality disorders

Serious health risks are associated with the use of illegal drugs, including:

  • Increased susceptibility to disease due to a less efficient immune system
  • Increased likelihood of accidents
  • Addiction
  • Death by overdose
  • Anemia
  • Poor concentration

Resources for Alcohol and Drug Problems

Educational programs
The Health and Counseling Center offers programs for students on alcohol-related topics. These programs may be presented in classes, on residence hall floors, or for organizations. The content of these programs can be tailored for a particular group or audience. An example of a program is “Academics and Alcohol”, which examines school-related consequences of alcohol use such as missed study time, missed classes, and poor grades.

The Office of Student Life sponsors an alcohol education workshop for students. This workshop covers topics such as patterns of alcohol use, beliefs about alcohol use, and consequences of alcohol use. The Office of Student Life also has contracted with “AlcoholEdu” to provide an online alcohol education course.

Assessment and treatment
The Health and Counseling Center provides informal assessments of alcohol concerns, and counseling is available for all students. Students seek counseling for a range of concerns including relationship problems, depression, and adjusting to changes in college. Students also discuss alcohol concerns in counseling, and it may play a role in any of the problems listed above.

Carthage College refers students to clinics in the Kenosha area for formal alcohol assessment and treatment. The Office of Student Life or the Health and Counseling Center can provide students with such information whenever needed or requested by students. Any member of the Carthage community concerned about their own substance abuse problem, or the substance abuse problem of someone close to them, may contact the Office of Student Life, an Office of Student Life staff member, or the Health and Counseling Center to be put in contact with an appropriate assessment and treatment resource.

Alcoholics Anonymous and AlAnon
AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and Al-Anon (friends/family of alcoholics) hold weekly meetings near the Carthage Campus. Location meetings and times can be obtained online. For questions and/or the location of the meetings, students may call an off-campus number, 262-554-6611. Recovering members, not affiliated with the college, will respond to your inquiries and maintain your anonymity.

Informational materials
The Health and Counseling Center offers free brochures to students on topics related to alcohol and drugs, as well as a range of other physical and mental health topics. Any student may gain access to the online alcohol education course by making a request with the Office of Student Life.

This policy is designed to create an environment where all Carthage College students look out for one another. This policy encourages students and student organizations to seek help for students they observe have consumed alcohol or other drugs to levels of extreme intoxication or other medical emergencies. Conditions include vomiting, loss of balance, unresponsiveness or other conditions that may require medical attention.

When a person’s life is in danger due to alcohol and/or other drug consumption, students are expected to seek immediate assistance, including calling 911. The purpose of these guidelines is to foster student responsibility and learning, while simultaneously ensuring the safety of our students and community.

Victims in connection to sexual assault or certain other crimes will not be subject to disciplinary sanctions for the AODA policy.

When a student contacts 911, Residence Life staff, or Public Safety on behalf of an individual who requires life-saving emergency evaluation, the student will not be subject to disciplinary actions if the following conditions are met:

  • Must remain with the impaired individual until assistance arrives.
  • Must be completely cooperative with emergency responders and responding staff.
  • The student may be required to meet with the Dean of Students Office or other College officials.

When a student requires life-saving emergency evaluation and/or treatment at a medical facility for an overdose of alcohol and/or other drugs, the student will be required to meet with a staff member from the Dean of Students Office to discuss the incident and to connect with appropriate resources and support. The student will be required to complete an alcohol and/or other drugs education program through the Dean of Students Office. Future or repeat incidents will be handled on a case by case basis and may be referred to the Dean of Students Office.

Carthage seeks to provide an environment in which students, faculty, staff, guests, and visitors can study, work, and experience the College community without harassment or discrimination. It is the policy of Carthage College to prohibit any acts of harassment or discrimination toward employees, students, or guests of the college community. In addition to being contrary to the College’s Mission and Principles, harassment and discrimination are prohibited by this policy, the College’s Sexual Misconduct Policy, and state and federal laws. Carthage College prohibits harassment and discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, disability, veteran’s status, or national origin, or any other characteristics protected by law, in its programs and activities. The College is dedicated to providing a prompt and thorough response to conduct that adversely impacts, or has the potential to adversely impact, the educational or work environment of Carthage College faculty, students, staff, guests, and visitors.

This Anti-Harassment Policy (“Policy”) has been developed to provide recourse for individuals who believe their rights as protected by this Policy have been violated and serves as a means to determine, after the fact, if specific behaviors constitute violations of this Policy. Failure to comply with this Policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Prohibited Conduct under this Policy

Harassment, as defined by this policy, includes any action, language, or visual representation, based on any characteristic protected by law including race, color, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, disability, veteran’s status, or national origin, that is sufficiently severe, pervasive, persistent or patently offensive that it has the effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or academic performance, or that creates a hostile working, educational or living environment. Sexual harassment and harassment based on gender are prohibited at the College and are covered under the Carthage College Sexual Misconduct Policy, as are other forms of sexual misconduct defined therein including sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, or stalking.

Non-discriminatory harassment as defined by this policy includes any action, language, or visual representation, that is sufficiently severe, pervasive, persistent, or patently offensive that it has the effect of unreasonably interfering with that person’s work or academic performance, or that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working, educational, or living environment. It is a violation of this Policy for a member of the Carthage community (faculty, staff, student, guest or visitor, or anyone else acting at the instigation of a Carthage College community member) to:

  • Engage in any form of harassment whether intentional or unintentional on the campus or in the off-campus area.
  • Retaliate against a person who has initiated an inquiry or complaint having to do with harassment.


Information for students about harassment is available from the Office of Student Life. The Office of Human Resources may be contacted for counseling and assistance relating to harassment or discrimination involving employees of the college. Anyone with a question or concern about harassment is encouraged to contact one of the above offices for counsel and assistance.

Harassment complaints about a student should be filed with the Office of Student Life. Harassment complaints about a staff or faculty employee (including a student employee) should be filed with the employee’s immediate supervisor or a representative of the Human Resources Department. If the complaint is with the immediate supervisor, the employee should contact the supervisor’s immediate superior or a representative of the Human Resources Department. A complaint about a guest or visitor should be called to the attention of the host or the supervisor of the area or event where the concern has arisen.

The right of confidentiality for any party involved in a harassment incident, including the complainant and the charged, will be respected insofar as it does not interfere with the college’s obligation to investigate allegations of misconduct and to take corrective action where appropriate.

Published date: Sept. 1, 2016

2 points *

* Student Conduct Point System: Students and organizations are assessed points and sanctions for violations of Carthage policies. The point system is divided into three categories, based on the degree of severity of the infraction. Read more about the Student Conduct Point System


Bicycle racks are available in front of each building. Bicycle riding is absolutely prohibited in the residence halls and all campus buildings. Bikes are to be stored in the student’s residence hall room or in the bike racks outside residence halls. Bicycles are not allowed in any campus building other than for storage purposes in residence hall rooms. Bikes are not to be stored in public areas in the residence halls. Bikes chained or affixed to public infrastructures, such as railings, light posts, and trees, will be removed and discarded. Any bicycles unclaimed within 72 hours of residence hall closing for summer recess may be discarded.


Due to the rising number of safety concerns attributed to falls and the spontaneous combustion of hoverboards, hoverboards are not permitted on campus. This ban prohibits the use, possession, or storage of hoverboards and like devices in residence halls and on campus property.

Skating and Skateboards

Inline skating, skateboarding, and roller skating on campus, whether for recreation or transportation, must meet the basic requirements of courtesy and respect for persons and property. All such activity is to be conducted in a safe manner, giving priority and right of way to pedestrians. Cooperating with motorists and yielding right of way is also expected.

Inline skating, roller skating, skateboarding, and use of similar devices are permitted under the above policy with the following prohibitions:

Such activity is not allowed within any campus building. (Such devices must be removed at the entrance to the building and may not be worn or used inside any campus building).

Such activity is not allowed on prepared sports surfaces such as, but is not limited to, tennis courts or synthetic turf areas.

Such activity is not allowed in any place where such use causes actual or potential damage to the physical plant of the College, or risks the safety of any member of the College community. Examples of such places include, but are not limited to, handrails, steps, ramps, fountains, statues, historic or information plaques, campus signs, raised surfaces, etc.

Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action that may include the cost of repair or replacement of any damaged property as well as other sanctions.

1 point *

* Student Conduct Point System: Students and organizations are assessed points and sanctions for violations of Carthage policies. The point system is divided into three categories, based on the degree of severity of the infraction. Read more about the Student Conduct Point System

Carthage is committed to providing computer technology resources and support in order to enhance the Carthage educational experience and further the goals of the college. This set of policies is designed to provide users with information to facilitate the effective use of computer technology resources at Carthage.

Due to the changeable nature of computer technology, these policies may be revised or amended as needed in the future. The College reserves the right to publish such changes and amendments as necessary, and each user is responsible for complying with all applicable policies.

It is expected that the computer technology resources provided by Carthage, whether on or off campus, are used in a manner consistent with the purpose and the principles of the College. The following policies describe what is and are not acceptable use of Carthage’s technology resources:


Students are expected to comply with the terms of the Carthage Computer Use Policies and to report any violation of these policies to the Office of Student Life immediately. These policies apply when accessing Carthage’s computer technology resources, from on or off campus, and when using Carthage’s resources to access the computer networks of other institutions. Other institutions may have more restrictive use policies, and students must abide by those policies as well as the policies of Carthage College.


Student use of Carthage’s technology resources is restricted to lawful and College approved purposes. Approved primary purposes include teaching and learning, and official College business. Permissible secondary purposes include College-related social, personal, and community functions and activities. Use of the technology resources for secondary purposes is always subordinate to use for primary purposes and must not involve significant use of technology resources, direct costs, or substantially interfere with the performance of teaching and learning, official College business, and administrative matters. The use of resources for purposes not specifically permitted by the College, or assisting others in infractions of College policies, is prohibited.


A user id and password are assigned to students solely for their individual use and should not be shared with anyone. Students are responsible for all functions performed from their assigned network account. For this reason, students should not leave any machine unattended while logged on, as others may attempt to use that account for purposes that violate this policy. In addition, any attempt to discover and/or disclose another’s password is a violation of this policy.


Each student network login provides access to certain resources via the Carthage network. Any attempt to bypass network security or otherwise obtain access to restricted areas without permission is a violation of this policy. Possessing tools for bypassing or probing security will be considered an attempt and is, therefore, in violation of this policy. Any student unintentionally gaining access to any restricted area is required to inform the Office of Student Life immediately.


Students are responsible for identifying themselves accurately in electronic and verbal communication. Concealing or falsifying the identity of the user or of the machine being used is fraudulent and prohibited.


Installing, posting, distributing, or transmitting sexually explicit and/or pornographic images, or materials considered harassing, threatening, or obscene (as defined in section 1460 of Title 18, United States Code) via Carthage resources is prohibited. Carthage resources include, but are not limited to, workstations, servers, and the network infrastructure.


To maximize the availability of Carthage’s technology resources for the approved primary purposes of teaching and learning, students are expected to refrain from activities that generate excessive network traffic. These include but are not limited to:

  • Chain letters and pyramid schemes;
  • Inappropriate or unsolicited advertisements (all advertisements, promotional material, or other types of solicitation must have prior approval by the Office of Student Life);
  • Posting irrelevant or inappropriate electronic messages to multiple recipients (“spamming”);
  • Multiple unsolicited electronic messages to a single recipient (“mail bombing”).
  • Electronic mailing lists (listservs) may be maintained that allow Carthage users to subscribe/unsubscribe to electronic mailings. These lists would fall under the category of solicited advertisements. Electronic mailings to all individuals on such lists may require prior approval of the list moderator. The names and e-mail addresses of individuals on mailing lists may not be distributed outside the Carthage Community.


Students must respect copyright and intellectual property rights of others. Copying of materials, which belong to others, including passwords and files constitutes a breach of the policy. Note that unauthorized duplication or transmission of copyrighted or other proprietary contanct could subject the student to criminal prosecution as well as personal liability in a civil suit. Because Carthage College does not require, request, or condone unauthoirzed copying or use of computer software, such action is not considered to be taken in the course of Carthage related work. The College will not provide legal defense for individuals who may be accused of making unauthorized copies of software even if these individuals maintain that such action was taken in the course of their employment. If the College is sued or fined because of unauthorized copying or use, it may seek payment from the individuals as well as subject them to disciplinary action.

Students must use Software owned or licensed by the College in accordance with the applicable license. Viewing, modifying, or damaging information without authorization (including intentional introduction of viruses or unauthorized access) is unethical, may be unlawful, and is in violation. The best position for users to take is to assume that copying of software for use on an additional machine is prohibited unless authorized by a member of the Computer Center professional staff.

Students may, in accordance with College policies, electronically distribute or duplicate information, software, video, graphics, photographs, music, and other material that does not fall under copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property protection. Material for which the owner has provided permission may be distributed or duplicated in accordance with the owner’s permission(s). Copyrighted material students may use should display a phrase similar to “Copyright owned by [owner’s name, date]; used by permission.”


Unauthorized installation of any software on Carthage-owned computers is prohibited. Such installation may violate copyright and/or license agreements and may overwrite or interfere with other programs and/or the operating system software.


The Carthage College name may only be used in an official context for College business. To avoid misrepresentation of Carthage College, do not use the Carthage College name or any symbol, graphic, text, or logo associated with Carthage College in a manner implying endorsement of any political, social, or commercial activity or in a context that implies official endorsement by the College without prior written approval of the Office of Student Life or other appropriate College authority.


Violating the Carthage Computer Use Policies may result in restriction/revocation of network access, suspension or dismissal from the college, or other actions as deemed appropriate by the Office of Student Life. Procedures for disciplinary action are described under the Student Conduct System section of the Student Community Code.

World Wide Web (

The College’s website is an official College publication and marketing tool, as well as a campus-wide resource. The purpose of the website is to disseminate information about the College’s mission and academic programs, course offerings, local and non-local news, athletics, the electronic library and other scholarly informational resources, programs, events and services, and faculty and students.

For many people, the Carthage website provides the first point of contact with an impression of the College. Therefore, the Office of Communications will oversee and assume ultimate responsibility for the content and design of the website. As with printed publications, the Office of Communications will uphold the highest standards of quality and responsibility and maintain a consistent image of the College.

Carthage’s Vice President of Communications, in consultation with appropriate College personnel, will make recommendations regarding the structure of the site and the appropriate content will determine who is eligible to create and link pages from the official Carthage Page and will set guidelines in order to achieve consistency and coherence between the home page and subsequent pages. In general, responsibility for creating and revising content below the first two or three levels will rest with the department, organization, or specific group.

All officially recognized Carthage groups, including faculty, academic divisions and departments, administrative offices, and student organizations, may work with the Office of Communications to create and maintain their individual web pages within the College’s website. Note: Infringement of copyright laws, obscene, harassing, or threatening materials on the Carthage server can be in violation of local, state, national or international laws and can be subject to litigation by the appropriate law enforcement agency. Authors of HTML documents and those who store resources on the Carthage servers are responsible for what they allow users around the world to access.


Making annoying, obscene, abusive, threatening, or harassing calls is contrary to the best interests of students and the College. It is a crime under both state and federal laws for anyone to make obscene or harassing telephone calls. These laws have penalties of imprisonment and/or fine, in addition to disciplinary action and a potential fine from Carthage College.


Students receiving obscene, abusive, threatening, or harassing calls, should follow these instructions:

  • Hang up at the first obscene word. Hang up if the caller remains silent the second time you say hello. Remember, you control your telephone, not the person calling.
  • Never provide any information, such as your name or address, until the caller has been properly identified.
  • If the initial call is threatening in any way, do not hesitate to notify the Office of Student Life, ext. 5800 or
    262-551-5800, or the Office of Public Safety, ext. 5911 or 262-551-5911, immediately. If, however, you are receiving hang-up calls or “no response” calls, it is important to establish a pattern before calling the Office of Student Life or the Office of Public Safety. Keep a log of the dates and times that you are receiving these annoying calls.

Once you have established that there is a pattern of annoyance or harassment, the matter will be referred to the proper authorities for investigation.

3 points*

* Student Conduct Point System: Students and organizations are assessed points and sanctions for violations of Carthage policies. The point system is divided into three categories, based on the degree of severity of the infraction. Read more about the Student Conduct Point System

Students are expected to behave in an orderly and responsible manner. Therefore, students who are involved in such actions as physical restriction, coercion, or intimidation of any person on campus; disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, other college activities; interference with the educational mission of the institution; or defiance of or belligerence toward any College staff member, including students acting in a supervisory capacity, will be considered in violation of this standard. Violations may result in the immediate removal of a student from class or from campus, and may lead to suspension or dismissal.

3 points *

* Student Conduct Point System: Students and organizations are assessed points and sanctions for violations of Carthage policies. The point system is divided into three categories, based on the degree of severity of the infraction. Read more about the Student Conduct Point System

Students are not permitted to have weapons, explosives, or fireworks in the residence halls, vehicles, or in personal possession on campus. This includes but is not limited to:

  • firearms, including airguns, BB guns, pellet guns, paintball guns, splat guns
  • ammunition
  • stun guns or tasers
  • switchblades or hunting knives (other than small pocket knives less than 3 inches in length)
  • martial arts weapons
  • mace
  • archery equipment
  • fireworks, including firecrackers, roman candles, smoke balls

The use of any item listed above or of articles or substances usable as weapons as a means of disruption or harassment of legitimate campus functions; or the use to intimidate, disturb or injure any individual on the College campus is prohibited. There are no exceptions to this policy, including weapons used for sport, entertainment or academic purposes. Any student who violates this policy is subject to serious disciplinary action, which may result in dismissal from the College.

Pepper spray is allowed for personal self defense purposes. Pepper spray canisters must be standard form, personal use size (2.5 oz or smaller.) Pepper spray canisters must not be in the form of a firearm or weapon. Use of pepper spray for purposes other than self defense may be subject to policy violation.

3 points *

* Student Conduct Point System: Students and organizations are assessed points and sanctions for violations of Carthage policies. The point system is divided into three categories, based on the degree of severity of the infraction. Read more about the Student Conduct Point System

Carthage College explicitly and emphatically prohibits hazing. A student is responsible for hazing when he or she takes any action and/or creates a situation on or off College premises which may produce mental or physical harm, discomfort, harassment, embarrassment, ridicule, or abuse as part of any activity and/or event related to membership and/or participation in an organization. Such activities and situations include but are not limited to paddling in any form, creation of excessive fatigue, physical or psychological shocks, morally degrading and humiliating games and activities, late work sessions that interfere with academic goals, the coerced use of alcohol/other drugs, and any other activities that are not consistent with the guidelines and/or policies of the College.

All organizations shall be held responsible for the actions of their members, associates, alumni or persons otherwise associated with the organization. The organization shall be subject to suspension and/or revocation of its official campus recognition and privileges by the Office of Student Involvement with or without the advice or consent of the governing body of that organization. This policy equally applies to all activities of all recognized or underground organizations including all athletic teams and all honorary and professional student groups.

With this stated, it is important to understand that consent of a new member to given activity does not necessarily imply that the activity in question is appropriate. Wisconsin state law states “no person may intentionally or recklessly engage in acts which endanger the physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation with any organization operating in connection with a school, college, or university.” Hazing is a Class A misdemeanor under Wisconsin state law. Hazing that results in death or great bodily harm is a Class H/G felony, punishable by up to ten years in state prison.

3 points *

* Student Conduct Point System: Students and organizations are assessed points and sanctions for violations of Carthage policies. The point system is divided into three categories, based on the degree of severity of the infraction. Read more about the Student Conduct Point System

Knowingly providing false information to College officials, or designated agents of the College, is a violation of policy.

Each full-time student is issued a Carthage College identification card. Carthage identification cards are non-transferable and may not be loaned to anyone. The use of ID cards by anyone other than the person to whom the card has been issued is prohibited. Students should carry their Carthage ID card at all times. The student is required to present the card at the request of any College official for purposes of identification. If the card is lost or stolen, please report it immediately to the Office of Public Safety and the Office of Student Life.

In the event of a lost or broken card, a new replacement card can be purchased in the Office of Student Life. A $35 fee will be assessed to the student’s account. Once a new card has been purchased, refunds will not be provided for students who find their original card. If the original ID card is found, it should be destroyed for security reasons. Students have the option to have either their legal or preferred first name printed on their ID cards. Questions regarding preferred names on ID cards can be directed to the Office of Student Life.

The student identification card provides access to campus facilities and Dining Commons. It must be presented for entry into each meal. Parkhurst Dining retains the right to refuse entry to anyone without a valid identification card.

Attempts to gain entry for meals without authorization and the removal of food from the cafeteria will be considered acts of theft. Such actions will be handled under the College disciplinary system.


What is a preferred first name?
A preferred first name is a name a student wishes to be known by that is different from a student’s legal name. Carthage students are able to request a college ID with their preferred first name and legal last name.

What is a legal name?
A legal name is a name that appears on your driver’s license, passport, birth certificate, or U.S. Social Security Card.

Am I required to use my preferred first name on my Carthage ID?
No. A preferred first name on your Carthage ID is optional. It is in no way a requirement. You may choose to have your legal first name on your ID.

Where will my preferred first name appear?
Your preferred first name will only appear on your Carthage ID card if requested.

Will my preferred first name appear in the online Carthage College directory?
No. Your legal name will appear in the Carthage College directory.

Where will my legal name be used?
Your legal name will be used in business and other College processes and systems including, but not limited to:

  • Schoology
  • Workday
  • Carthage online directory
  • Carthage email account
  • Voter ID cards
  • Transcripts
  • Academic certifications
  • Diplomas
  • Athletics rosters
  • Public Safety reports
  • Maxient Conduct System

Are there any preferred first name ID restrictions?
A preferred first name ID may not be used for purposes of fraud or misrepresentation. The College reserves the right to remove a preferred first name if it contains inappropriate or offensive language.

Does a preferred first name affect my legal name?
No. Requesting a preferred first name for your Carthage ID does not change your legal name.

Who will have access to my legal name?
College administrators, faculty, the Office of Public Safety, and your supervisor (if you are employed in a campus job) will have access to your legal name.

May I have a new photograph taken for my new Carthage ID?
Yes. When submitting the request form, you will have the option to submit a new photo to be printed on your preferred first name ID. A new photo is optional, and you may choose to keep your current ID photo. Your old photograph may still appear in other College systems, such as Schoology.

Is my Carthage ID card a form of identification accepted off campus?
It is advisable to carry a government-issued form of ID such as a driver’s license or passport with you in order to access resources that are not on the Carthage campus.

How do I request a preferred first name ID?
Students can request a preferred first name ID by completing the request form. The Office of Student Life reviews all requests. After submitting the form, students can come to the Office of Student Life during office hours, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday through Friday, to have their new ID printed. Students must turn in their current Carthage ID to receive the new one.

What does a new ID card with my preferred name cost?
A $35 fee for a new ID card will be assessed to the student’s account. The $35 fee for a replacement ID will be waived one time if the student turns in the ID with their legal name.

For more information
If you have more questions about requesting a preferred first name ID, please contact the Office of Student Life at or 262-551-5800.

Operating a motor vehicle on the Carthage campus is a privilege granted by the College. Use fees apply. The College has adopted the following regulations to assure safe, courteous, and orderly vehicle operation and parking. It is the responsibility of all drivers to know and follow these regulations.

All employees and students, full- and part-time, are required to register their motor vehicle with the College and obtain a parking permit. This includes cars, trucks, motorcycles, and motor scooters. Residential student permits are limited in number and are specific for a single lot. All permits remain the property of Carthage College and when asked, must be surrendered to the College. A parking permit becomes invalid when the registered student graduates, withdraws, or changes residency status. Permits may not be sold or transferred from student to student. Pro-rated rebates will be given for permits returned to the Office of Student Financial Services.

Carthage College assumes no responsibility nor creates any liability, for the care and/or protection of any vehicle, or its contents, while on campus. The College assumes no responsibility for the security of vehicles or their contents while moving or parked in the areas subject to Carthage jurisdiction. All employees and students use parking facilities at their own risk. Carthage students, faculty, and staff are expected to abide by the Motor Vehicle Registrations and Use Policies.

Permit Types


All commuting student vehicles are required to have a hang-tag permit affixed to the exterior of the rear window of their vehicle in the lower-left corner. Commuter student permits allow parking in designated commuter lots. They are not valid for overnight parking. “Overnight parking” is defined as starting at the time when the residence halls are closed to visitors (established visitation hours). Commuter permits are available without charge to part-time students. All full-time commuter students, defined as enrolled for twelve credits or more in any given term, must purchase a permit at the published rate.


Resident student permits allow for parking on campus but are restricted to specific lots, designated by the permit. Residential permits must be hung from the rearview mirror of their vehicle. Permits must be visible or ticketing and/or towing of the vehicle will occur.


All Adult Education student vehicles are required to have a hang-tag permit affixed to the exterior of the rear window of their vehicle in the lower-left corner. Adult Education student permits allow parking in designated commuter lots, as well as Lots 3 and 2 after 5 p.m. They are not valid for overnight parking. “Overnight parking” is defined as starting at the time when the residence halls are closed to visitors (established visitation hours). Adult Education permits are available for a $35 charge to all Adult Education students. This permit is valid for 3 academic years from the date of issuance. It is the student’s responsibility to update vehicle information upon change of vehicle status. Permits affixed to an improper vehicle will result in a citation issued to the owner of the permit.

Adult Education permits can be obtained by registering your vehicle in the Office of Public Safety. After you have registered your vehicle, Public Safety will deliver your permit to the Adult Education administration office on the next business day. A temporary permit may be obtained at the Carthage Security office until such time a regular permit is obtained. Temporary permits will be valid for 24 hours.


Temporary permits are available for guests and resident student vehicles for short-term parking. A registered student may register a vehicle for up to fourteen days in any academic year. Current Charges apply. Any student vehicle that will be on campus longer than fourteen days during any academic year must display a regular parking permit. Non-Carthage student guests may register their vehicle for up to three days at a time, in accordance with the college’s visitation policy. The Office of Public Safety is open 24/7/365; you must immediately register any vehicle you park on campus. Vehicles with an expired regular or temporary permit, or lacking any visible permit, are subject to tow without prior notice. In accordance with state law, The Kenosha Police Department may issue a city citation for trespass parking for all non-registered vehicles parked on property under the care and control of Carthage College.


Unauthorized parking in a disabled parking space or bus stop, or trespass parking (uninvited parking on campus without a permit) is a violation of state statutes and city/county ordinance. In addition to Carthage’s action, these vehicles may be subject to ticketing and/or other actions by the Kenosha Police Department. Students needing to use marked disabled parking spaces must display a valid disabled permit issued by the State Department of Transportation. Carthage does not have the authority to grant valid disabled parking permits. State-issued disabled permits do not grant overnight parking privileges.


Students who reside in the 17th Street campus apartments are considered resident students for the purpose of permit sales. Any vehicle parked at any satellite campus housing facilities must display a valid parking permit for that specific location. Vehicles may not be parked on the lawns of these facilities and local ordinances prohibit overnight street parking on 17th Street.

Parking Policies and Citation Information


Any vehicle parked on the campus grounds with any wheel off of the roadways or parking lot will be ticketed and towed. The vehicle owner will also be liable for the damage to Carthage grounds and property. Student vehicles parked in faculty or staff spaces, visitor’s lots, any service drive or loading dock, restricted spaces, fire lanes, or on any campus drive will be ticketed or towed without prior notice. Allowing for unloading into the residence halls, residential students may park in the designated spaces in lot A for drop off of materials for periods not to exceed 15 minutes. You must keep your lights on during this unloading grace period. Student cars parked in these designated spaces without their lights on, or for more than 15 minutes, will be ticketed or towed without warning. Students may not park on either side of campus drive, in front of any academic, residence hall, or service building. Students are also prohibited from parking in the Lentz Hall Visitors, (except for the one posted “15 minutes only” space); Lentz Hall reserved spaces (commuter and adult education students can park in Lentz Visitor parking after 5 p.m.) or South Upper Lot Visitors spaces. There is no grace period.


Faculty and staff are prohibited from parking in marked visitor spaces in all lots, including South Upper Lot. These spaces are reserved for visitors to the campus.


Students must park only in the lots designated by their permit. Parking in an unauthorized area or in a lot, for which their car is not permitted, may result in the towing of the vehicle without prior warning or notice. Should a vehicle be towed to an off-campus impoundment lot, the student will be required to pay the towing firm their normal rate and storage fees. Should your vehicle be towed to a campus storage area, a major violation ticket will be issued. Major Violation tickets currently carry a $150.00 fine.


Each student is responsible for his/her vehicle while on campus regardless of who is driving. Parking fines will be assigned to the registered permit owner. If your permit is lost or stolen, please report this to the Office of Public Safety.


Moving violations, such as failure to obey traffic signs, speeding, reckless driving, etc. are subject to fines ranging from $100.00 to $200.00. The speed limit throughout the campus is 15 miles per hour. The Director of Public Safety will determine the fine on a case-by-case basis. Students may appeal any ticket to the Director of Public Safety. Ticket appeals must be received, in written form, within 72 hours of the citation issuance. You may also appeal a ticket online. Your appeal must contain the citation number and date of its issue.


Carthage reserves the right to revoke the parking permit and/or refuse to issue any future parking permits to individuals who exhibit a history of repeated offenses or endanger others, or damage College property, by the careless use of a motor vehicle. Carthage also reserves the right to refuse the issuance of any parking permit to any individual who does not obtain a permit in a timely fashion. A ticket/tow history indicating that a vehicle has been parked on campus multiple times for more than one week without a permit will be sufficient to initiate disciplinary action towards the responsible vehicle user.

Parking Lot Information


35th Street Lot, the Tennis Center Lot, 14th Avenue Lot, Straz Service Lot, South Lower Lot — resident parking by special permit only.


South Lower Lot, Lot 2, Pike River Lot, Lot 3 with a VALID Commuter Parking Permit.
Commuter and adult education students can park in Lot 1, the faculty/staff section of Lot 2, and the Lentz Visitor Parking Lot after 5 p.m.
Overnight Parking is prohibited with a commuter permit.


Pike River Lot, Lot 3, Lot 2, South Lower Lot, South Upper Lot.

3 points *

* Student Conduct Point System: Students and organizations are assessed points and sanctions for violations of Carthage policies. The point system is divided into three categories, based on the degree of severity of the infraction. Read more about the Student Conduct Point System

All Carthage students are required to comply with the directions of College officials or designated agents acting in the performance of their duties. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action and sanctions, up to and including immediate suspension from the College.

3 points *

* Student Conduct Point System: Students and organizations are assessed points and sanctions for violations of Carthage policies. The point system is divided into three categories, based on the degree of severity of the infraction. Read more about the Student Conduct Point System

Any act of physical violence is in direct conflict with the educational mission and goals of the College. In order to maintain an orderly campus community that is conducive to the total development of students, physical violence will not be tolerated.

Any act of physical violence, threat of physical violence, or any act that creates a significant risk of injury will result in immediate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the College. Violators will be suspended for a minimum of 3 days.

Carthage is committed to creating a safe, healthy, and non-discriminatory environment for all students, staff, faculty, and visitors that is free from all forms of sexual misconduct. See the Sexual Misconduct Policy.

2 points *

* Student Conduct Point System: Students and organizations are assessed points and sanctions for violations of Carthage policies. The point system is divided into three categories, based on the degree of severity of the infraction. Read more about the Student Conduct Point System

In general, the College prohibits unauthorized solicitation on the Carthage campus. The following statements govern individuals, groups, and outside organizations which wish to solicit students and/or employees, sell products and/or services and promote these products and services.

Off-Campus Representatives

  • Off-campus individuals or companies wishing to distribute or to sell their services or products must be authorized to do so by the Senior Vice President for Business and Administration.
  • A company representative, seeking students for employment part-time or full-time, can learn more about opportunities for recruitment by visiting The Aspire Center.

On-Campus Organizations

  • Selling, soliciting, or promotion of services or product sales must be coordinated with the Director of Student Activities.
  • Selling or soliciting by recognized Carthage organizations must occur only in campus building lobbies or the Todd Wehr Center and does not include residence halls. Door-to-door selling in any campus building is prohibited.

Individual Selling

Individual students selling services or products cannot sell door-to-door in any campus building, or set up displays for individual gain. Acceptable notices (posters, newspaper ads) may be used to promote sales. Posters must be approved in the Office of Student Life. Carthage College resources (i.e. residence hall rooms, campus network resources) cannot be used for commercial selling or solicitation. Any questions concerning the above policy should be directed to the Office of Student Life.

Theft, attempted theft, or possession of any college, public, or another person’s private property is prohibited. Attempted theft means a willful act designed to accomplish the appropriation of another’s property, but falling short of that goal.

Minimum 1 point *

* Student Conduct Point System: Students and organizations are assessed points and sanctions for violations of Carthage policies. The point system is divided into three categories, based on the degree of severity of the infraction. Read more about the Student Conduct Point System

The health of each member of the Carthage Community is important to the College. Therefore, the College prudently takes appropriate steps to safeguard the health and safety of Carthage students, faculty, and staff. In as much as the use of smoke-emitting tobacco has been shown to be hazardous to the health of the user and those who must breathe the ambient air, the College enforces this policy:

Smoking, including electronic cigarettes, is prohibited completely in all buildings on campus. Smoking is prohibited within 25 feet of residential and academic facilities.

The use of chewing tobacco shall be prohibited in all classroom buildings, the Hedberg Library, Wartburg Auditorium, Walter Fritsch Meditation Chapel, Joan C. Potente Chapel, A. F. Siebert Chapel, all athletic facilities, Student Union, and the Todd Wehr Center. Use of smokeless tobacco is restricted to individual residence hall rooms. Improper disposal of smokeless tobacco waste will result in disciplinary action. There shall be no sale of tobacco products on the campus. Voluntary compliance with this policy is respectfully requested by members of the Carthage Community and visitors alike.

3 points *

* Student Conduct Point System: Students and organizations are assessed points and sanctions for violations of Carthage policies. The point system is divided into three categories, based on the degree of severity of the infraction. Read more about the Student Conduct Point System 

Any act of vandalism breaches the campus community rules and regulations. Violators may be subject to serious disciplinary action, up to and including immediate suspension, and will be required to show cause why they should not be dismissed permanently from Carthage College. In addition, offending students will be charged for any repairs, replacements or cleaning necessary to restore the area or objects to the original condition. See Residence Hall policies